James x Leylu - Chocolate

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This is for my cousin HibiscusFern1203 ! She's aloud to put it on her story, but no one else can!

~~Bonnie's p.o.v~~
I was sitting next to Gabe on the couch in the basement, and on the couch across from us is Leylu and James. You may be wondering why this is bad. Well...

James and Leylu are fighting over chocolate. Chocolate.

"It's mine!" Leylu screamed.

"I had it first!" James yelled back.

"No you didn't!" Leylu yells. "BONNIE! Which one of us had the chocolate first?!"

"Leave me out of this." I say. "I don't want any part in this." And with that, they continued to fight. Gabe was starting to tense up.

"You alright?" I ask him. He groans.

"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE. Seriously, if you're gonna fight, fight in another room! I'd rather be killed by a clicker, than go through this!" Gabe screams at them. They instantly got quiet, for once they're scared of Gabe. Then they start fighting again. "UGH OH MY GOD." He grabs them, throws them in a closet, and slams the door.

"You playing seven minutes in heaven or something?" I ask. His eyes goes wide with realization. Then he smirks. I realize.

My ship! This could be the thing that makes it sail! I thought.

"Hey, let us out!" Leylu said. I laugh evilly.

"Nope." I say. I can hear James groaning.

"I can't be in here with this...this....chocolate stealer!" James says.

"I'm not a chocolate stealer! You are!" Leylu screams.

"We're not letting you out until you finally calm your ass - both of you - down!" Gabe yells at the door. They groan and agree.

~~Leylu's p.o.v~~
James and I stare at each other, both equally pissed.

"Are we allowed out yet?!" James asks.

"No!" I can hear Gabe say. I groan. So does James.

"Isn't this supposed to be a romantic short?" I ask.

"No, I don't do that." James says (GUYS STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL.)

"So.....I guess we're even?" I ask.

"Yeah, I guess. But don't steal my chocolate again." James says.

~~Narrator's p.o.v~~
And they we're stuck in that closet forever after. Until they had to move into another house.

And they eventually make out but that's when Gabe opens the door.

"Oh god guys, really?" Gabe says, shutting the door again.


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