Cola Song - Leo Valdez x reader (TLH)

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Gotta love dem Latino boyz
You and the gang were playing truth or dare. So far Percy had to destroy his Pillow Pet (he cried), Annabeth had to burn her favorite book, Leo had to admit that he hated Calypso (which he did), and Nico had to say his favorite color. Which was black, obviously. You were the last victim there. Leo turns to you.

"[name], truth or dare?" He asks, trying to ignore Percy and Annabeth's crying. You did not want to do anything stupid, like kiss someone.


"What's your favorite song? Be honest." He says, obviously out of ideas. You think for a bit. His was tough, but you knew.

"Cola Song, the original Despacito, and [other song]." You say. Guess that was too easy, but Leo was taken by surprise.

"You like Latin Pop?" He asks. You shrug.

"Well yeah. I may have been born in [state/country], but I vary with music. Half my family is Spanish, it's not like I could avoid it. (NOT TRYING TO BE RACIST) I wasn't exactly introduced to it by my family, but once I heard Despacito I fell in love with the music. Then I heard Cola Song, Bailando, Subeme La Radio, etc." he was staring at you with shock as you went down the list of Latin Pop.

"It's hard to believe, considering you can't speak a word of Spanish, princesa." He says, calling me princess. You scoff.

"I can speak Spanish perfectly fine, thank you." I say. He chuckles.

"¿Sabes lo que estoy diciendo ahora mismo, pequeño rayo de sol?" He asks. (Do you understand what I'm saying right now then, little ray of sun/sunshine?) I couldn't understand. Crap.

"Uh...your saying that's not true..??" I ask doubtingly. He laughs.

"In summary, it means 'do you understand right now?' " he says.


"You were close though! I mean, that's what I was thinking." He says, scruffing my hair. "You'll get it someday, uno pequeño." He says. I sit up straight.

"Excuse me, but don't call me small one when you're barely 6 feet tall like the normal boys!"


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