You have sides, too? - Thomas Sanders x reader

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"WHAT IS UP EVERYBODY?!" Thomas said as the video him and you were doing. "Today we are doing a Sander Sides video with the amazing [name]!"

"Hello internet! What's cooking?" I asked, doing my trademark intro.

"Guys, come on out-"

"[NAME]!!!!!" Patton suddenly exclaims. [name] backs up.

"Bugeezus, Patton, scared the living life out of me, why don't you?" [he/she/they] say(s).

"Living that an actual saying?" Logan says, appearing out of nowhere. [name] almost topples over.

"LOGAN!" [he/she/they] scream.

"Stop scaring the poor [lad/las/guy], Logan!" Roman says.

"Oh my Zeus, Roman, you just did the same thing." [name] says.

"And you guys tell me I pop out of nowhere." Virgil says.

"Not helping, Virgil." Logan says.

"Ok, Thomas, now that your sides are out, should I get mine?" [name] says. Thomas looks at [her/him/them] confused.

"You have sides, too?" Thomas says.

"Yeah! Should I get them out?" [she/he/they] say. He nods hesistantly.

(Ok peoples for girls, I'll say when to read. Same for guys and non-binary pals.)
"Luke, Liam, Micheal, Carter, come on out!" Thomas stared at him confusingly. A man in a full suit with a gold watch on his wrist pops up next to Logan.

"I am Micheal very nice to meet you." The man says, shaking Logan's hand. Logan stares at him weirdly.

A man appears next to Virgil, in a black hoodie. The man was on the floor on a fetal position. Virgil looked at him worryingly.

"Are you ok?" Virgil asks the man.

"EVERYTHING IS RUINING ME I'M DYING INSIDE. I'm fine, you?" The man says. (This is probably gonna be true for a few of you readers so I am so sorry.)

"Oh look, Liam's hyperventilating again." A man says next to Roman. He had a white toga that went down to his knees with a golden sash hanging on one shoulder. The sash was attached to him by a golden belt. He had a golden reef on his head and sandals.

"Wow ok hi." Roman says.

"I'm Luke, by the way." The man in the toga says.


" 'Dark child'? Thomas he stole my phrase!" Patton exclaimed.

"I'm sorry it sounded really cool! I'm Carter by the way."

"This is - oh my gosh." Thomas says. He was mostly staring at you're anxiety. "Is he gonna be alright?"

"Just give him a few minutes, he's been bottling himself up all day." You say to Thomas.

"I don't think that's mentally healthy."

"Neither do I."

GALS (based on my Sander Sides):
"Rose, Nix, Mary, Dayna!" She says into the blue. Thomas and the Sander Sides look around in confusion. Suddenly a girl with [color] hair pops up next to Virgil with [black/purple] tipped hair. Virgil looked at her in surprise.

"Is that eye shadow?" He asks.

"No it's just really dark bags under my eyes from all the nights I've stayed up on thinking about my subconscious and well being." She replies.

Suddenly a girl in a button-up shit, vest, and slacks pops up next to Logan. Logan jumps back in surprise.

"I'm Mary." She says, holding out her hand to Logan. He hesitantly takes it.

"BUBBLES!" A girl screams out next to Patton. Patton screams in terror. "Sorry, I just really like bubbles. Do you like bubbles? Then again cats and glitter are pretty amazing. Ooohh and legos."

"Oh my gosh I found my SOULMATE!!" Patton screams in delight. She squeals back.

Next, a girl in a black belly dancing skirt with a purple fabric comes up next to Roman. She had a really nice black shirt on with off the shoulder sleeves, lace at the ends.

"I am going to love you." Roman says, bedding down before her and kissing her hand. She giggles.

"A pleasure to meet you, too." She replies. He hair was up in a bun like Anna from Frozen. (Or if you have short hair down like Esmeralda from Hunchback of Notre Dame)

"That's all of them!" [name] says. Thomas was so confused.

"Wait, WHAT?!" He asks. "You've had sides and you've never told me?!"

"I thought you knew..." She replies. He was looking around in shock.

Oh my gosh this is absolutely amazing but scary and I'm so confused yet so excited Virgil stop aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH- Thomas started thinking.

"Alex, Jean, Paxton, Tanner! Get over here!" You say. (I looked up unisex names) no one popped up. Except for one.

"Hello there!" Someone says next to Roman. They had a newsies costumes on, cap and all.

"Um, Jean, where are the others?" You ask. They shrugged.

"Off somewhere, I guess. Last person I saw was Alex, and they were playing Super Mario." Jean said, leaning on Roman. They had a Boston accent that made them sound like Jack Kelley or Crutchie. Or even Race. (IT'S A FINE LIFE CARRYING THE BANNER THROUGH IT AAALLLLL sorry)

"Um." You said. "Paxton! Alex! Tanner! Come on, you guys!"

"I was pondering about the meaning of life, what do you want?" Some person said next to Virgil. Virgil turned to look at them and yelped. "What's your problem, toots? Looks like you got a stick up your-"

"WHOA WHOA WHOA OK TANNER THAT'S ENOUGH HEHEHE whoo boy." You say cutting of you're anxiety.

"You know I person loves you when they pause their video game for you." A person says next to Patton. "So I must love you a whole dang lot!!"

"Thank you, Alex." You say.

"Is this something worthy of me putting down my Jules Verne book?" Someone says beside Logan.

"Yes, Paxton, yes it was." You say. "I wanted you to meet these guys."

"Well, we did, can we go?" Tanner asks.

"Well that's rude." Alex says. "Apologize, dark son."

"Ugh fine." Tanner says. "Sorry that sounded so mean, I'm Scorpio."

"No, Tanner, you're just a *BLEEP*." You say. Tanner brings a hand to their chest.

"Roasting you're own self esteem. Alright." They say. "Let's see how you like it next time you talk to the pizza delivery guy."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" You exclaim.

Thomas hesitates. "Does this always happen?"

You groan. "Unfortunately, yes."

Thomas shut off the camera after ending the video. All the sides went back to the corners of the minds.

"Well that was something." He says.

"Yep." You say.

"Wanna go get some ice cream?" He asks.


Oneshots - xreader or ships (read the description) (FINISHED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن