You do it for love - murderer!Virgil x determined!reader

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"Don't take another step!!" He screamed. You had found out that Virgil was a murderer, and he had killed the other sides.

Except for Patton.

He had to witness it all and promise to keep his mouth shut or his tongue would be cut out.

You backed up a bit. "Virgil?" You say before taking another step forward. He cocks the gun.

"I said stay back!!" He yelled. You didn't stop.

"Why?" You simply ask. "Why did you do it?"

"Because, [name], they were a nuisance to me and this world and they'll never except me as a person." He said darkly.

"But now Thomas is scared and hurt and has no motivation to go on. What will happen if he kills himself?" You ask. "You'd disappear."

"I am his anxiety, [name], I can make him weak or strong. Pained or healed. I practically am Thomas now."

"Because you killed his intelligence and his creativity and left his emotions in fear forever!" You screamed at him. "He will never be the same. He will not make videos like he loves, he'll never see Talyn or Terrence or Joan or Valerie ever again in fear of being hurt! You didn't make him better, you made him confused-"

"Explain what confused is, huh?!" He screamed, the gun shaking. "Explain fear, explain anxiety, explain anger, explain me!"

You stopped. "My only purpose in life to is make people feel awful. I am simply doing my job."

"But why does it have to be like this?!" You say, walking towards him even more. His finger was trembling right above the trigger.

"I'll shoot!!" He yells.

"I would take a bullet for you." You say. "Even if it was from you. Because that's what love is, right? Protecting the ones you love?"

He stopped. Suddenly, in short , regretted rage, he pulled the trigger. It seems like time stopped. Nothing happened. All he could see was the bullet going straight through your skull. He suddenly rushed to you.

"[name]!" He said. "Nononononononono oh please god no." He repeated as you lied dead in his arms.

"[name], [name] please wake up." He said. He realized what you said. In order to protect him from himself....he had to feel extreme guilt of some kind. He's never felt guilty before....which meant you. You were the only person who made him feel emotion.

In the end, Thomas was never the same. He had turned into a suicidal. Patton was scarred for life. From that day forward, every time Virgil looked around at everything he had done, he thought about you. You had saved him. But you were too late.

He was too late.

He could've saved you.

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