Military School - Stanley x reader (MITM)

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Stanley is Francis' old roommate from Malcolm in the middle btw
It was an old 90's show, it's on Netflix
And you're Francis' little sister, right in between Reese and Malcolm's age. So about, going off the middle of the series, 16. And Stanley is about 17 or 18, maybe 19. The picture above is him.
"Hey, Francis, we're here!" Mom yelled into the corridor. Mom (Lois) had dragged me along to se my older brother, Francis. He comes in, rolling in a wheelchair.

"It's about time." He spits at mom. He turns to me, smiling. "Hey, little sis."

"Hey bro bro." I say, ruffling his hair. "How's your appendix?"

"Besides it bursting, it's fine." He says, punching my arm. I punch back. Before it got into a fist fight, mom stopped us.

"[name], we are not here to fight your brother. We are here to look after him." She says. I groan.

"Whatever. You know me and Francis. We're the only one's who look alike besides Dewey (younger brother, 12 years old)." I say. Francis shoves me.

"Yeah mom. Let me have a little fun." He says, deeping his tone. A man in blue sweats and white shirt walks in.

"Francis. Spangler's looking for you." The man says.

"I'll be there in a sec." Francis says.

"He means right now, Francis."

"Fine!" He says, rolling away. I catch up with him while mom heads to his room.

"Who was that guy?" I ask.

"Oh, that's my roommate and best friend, Stanley. He looks after me." He says.

"Your caretaker after that appendix bursting?"

"No...he's always looks out for me."

"So he feels pity for you."

"Hey!" Fracncis says. "I am perfectly capable of looking after myself."

"Tell that to Jenson's fire, Jackson's fire, minivan bursting in flames, the water tower, every police man on the force, and Mom and Dad." I say, listing a few things he's done.

"Whatever. Stay out here, alright? Commandant Spangler can be very strict." He says, rolling into a room and shutting the door.

"So, your Francis' sister? [name] [no last name given]" I hear. I turn around, and see Stanley.

"Yeah, and you are?"

"Stanley Winn, Francis' friend and.." He trails off. "Well I guess you could say bodyguard in a way."

"Manners. Haven't seen those in a while." I say, sitting down on the floor. He stares at me. I notice. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

"Are you waiting for someone?" He asks.

"Francis. He's that Spangler's office you keep talking about."

"Spangler is the head of Martindale Academy."

"Probably why he's in there." I snicker. He chuckles. He sits down next to me. "So what do you guys do round here?" I ask. He takes a moment to think.

"Well there's the pool table, there's the TV, then there's the wretched birthday parties..." He says.

"What's so bad about the birthday parties?" I ask.

"When someone's birthday rolls around, you have to punch them as many times as they've lived, then they shave every single hair off the guys body." Stanley explains.

"Jesus Christ no wonder Francis wanted to come home his last birthday." I laugh. "He can be a real coward sometimes."

"I know, I live in the same room as him." Stanley says, smiling.

"So did I until he got shipped off here." He looks at me, surprised.

"You and Francis shared a room?"

"All my brother's and I do. When Francis was around is was hard cramming 5 children into room with only 2 beds. When he left we got a sigh of relief, I guess." I say. We had a short silence before speaking again.

"What's it like being the only sister in a house with 3 brothers?" He asks.

"Difficult I guess. But after a while you get used to it. You start becoming one of them." I say. "I always saw myself as the one who cared about everything and everyone. I was the only kid who didn't get into trouble like my brothers do. People think I'm just a..." I pause. "A carbon copy of my brothers. It gets annoying, being the only good and everyone assumes your bad. Like a messed up Super Hero, y'know?"

"Yeah. Francis can be a real butt can't he." Stanley says, lightening the mood. I smile.

"Yeah he can. One time he sold my entire collection of anime collectables just so he could get booze and smokes for a party he was throwing at some guy's house." I say, remembering Richie, the asshole. Good times, good times. Stanley looks at his watch.

"I have to go. I'll see you later [name]." He says, standing up and waving goodbye.

"Bye Stanley." I say. I sit there for another few minutes before someone piped up.

"What the hell was that?" I heard. I turn to my left, and it was Francis.

"What was what." I ask back.

"That! What were you doing hanging out with Stanley?" He asks.

"Am I not aloud to have friends or something?"

"Not when they are boys! I don;t want my baby sister icking up whatever dude lays around on the street." He says. I groan.

"Geez Francis I know you're protective but for God's sake, can you drop it? Stanley and I are friends, nothing more." I say, walking away. Francis catches up.

"That's where it all starts, then it's turns into best friends, sometimes friend's with benefits, and then sooner or later bing bang boom, you two are a couple and you wished you've never met him!"

"Francis! I know when something in my life goes wrong, I've lived with you, Reese, Malcom, and Dewey my entire life! You think I'd know when something horrible happens! And if what you and the rest of our brothers do isn't horrible then I don't know what is! So for the love of God, for Francis, for the love of me, just let it go!" I yell, stomping away. I leave him in the middle of the lounge, stare into the abyss. Erik walks up.

(The one with the phone is Erik, the other one is Francis

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(The one with the phone is Erik, the other one is Francis.)

"Dude, she's right, let her fight her own battles." His friend says. He walks down a corridor, walking back to his dorm.

"Should I leave it alone?" Francis asks. I whisper from the next room over;


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