All things have an end. - Anyone x reader (FINAL CHAPTER)

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Hey guys! This is my final chapter of this book. I hope you like it. I worked really hard and brought out my philosophy side of me in this.

I want to warn you it gets a little sad. Not too sad - like self harm or suicide - but things like heart break and broken love.

Anyways, enjoy. It'll be the last you see of me in this book.
I look into the distance, seeing everything I've gone through. Everyone I've been with. I've gone to so many universes, so many timelines. Fallen in love with so many. Some, I can't remember. Some I visit constantly. Some don't remember me. Some say they'll never fall in love again. Whatever realm I go to - whatever universe, timeline, dimension, it never matters. All the ever matters is when I leave. The heart broken. The mad. The happy. The dickhead and jerks. The sweetest and the kindest, to the shy and unforgettable.

This was another one of those times.

"Do you have to go?" They said.

They always say that. If I get killed in one dimension, I get re spawned in another. I remember almost everywhere I've been, everywhere I've lived. I start to wonder if I'm the only one. The only one who can have this feeling....this - this third eye.

"Why can't you stay?" They ask.

Nothing remains here. It's time to go somewhere else. Maybe I'll go to a realm of magic and wonder, a place where anything is what you make it. Maybe I'll go to a place where the harsh and bloody truth sticks out a squashes you in split seconds.

Maybe I'll go home this time.

"Please don't go...."

That's a word I haven't used in a while.
Where is home?
What is home?

Some say home is where your heart is. Some say its an architectural place of stay where one rests. Some say it's meaningless. Some say it means everything.

I've forgotten the meaning over time.
Over travels.
Over lives.

"You can't leave me!! Not again!!"

I remember home warmly. My family greeting me, my real family, the birth place. That was eons and eons ago now. That's lightyears and lightyears away. That's memories lost and forgotten.

I still remember the warm feeling of home.

Where I could go anywhere by my will, with just the click of a button. At my desk, or on my bed, maybe at the dining room table while I'm eating lunch.


The sounds of it feels faint, but all at once strong. I remember my friends. My real friends. I remember the laughter of our lives together. Once again, eons and eons ago, lightyears and lightyears away, memories lost a forgotten.


The word is bone chilling to me. Like a harsh winter on a beautiful flower.


It sounds like the word to describe anything I've ever experienced.


It sounds like the word used in my time of need right now.





Of course.

I could go back.

I could....

I want.....


I turn back. To them. The one I fell in love with. One of many.

They were crying.

They all do.

They all did.

I smile meekly.

They were amazing.

Just like the others.

I cup their cheek, pulling them closer.

I smile, almost crying myself.

The heart break I've experienced.

The tears I've cried.

I knew it would just happen again.

Again and again.

It never ended.

But that's life, isn't it?

"Why are you gone so many times....." he said through a tear stained face. Our foreheads touching. It was amazing.

It was the same.

It always was the same.

"I'll be back shortly, my love..." I whisper.


I bolt up from my computer to hear my friend screeching at me.

"JESUS ON A BOAT WHAT DO YOU WANT!!" I scream at them.

"The pizza's here! Get over here and get a slice!" They say before going to the dining room.

I slowly get up from my computer, shutting the screen. I walk in my pajamas and socks to the dining room. I see a fresh cheese pizza, a pepperoni pizza, and a Hawaiian pizza. I see all my friends in their pajamas scarfing down the fast food at the table. I look at them, my face drained of color, the only thing you can see on my face is the red around my eyes and nose, the color of my lips weakened. I stare at them. My best friend looks up.

"Jesus, [name], you look like you've seen a ghost. Everything ok?" They ask.

I smile weakly, some color coming back to my lips that were turning blue.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say. "It's just all good things have an end."

Oneshots - xreader or ships (read the description) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now