Stay Alive - Philip Hamilton x reader (Hamilton the Musical)

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I ran through the town, looking both ways, trying to find him....

I suddenly see his father rush through a door, I went in after him. His face was covered in worry. I pant as I run in. My face was tear stained.

"Where is my son?!" Alexander Hamilton asks frantically. The edging of my [dress/pants] was covered from mud and dirt from the streets, but I didn't care. "Where is Philip?!"

"Mr. Hamilton! Come in." The doctor said. "They brought him in a half hour ago. He lost a lot of blood-"

"Is he alive?!" I cried. They turn their heads, and for a split second, Alexander's face had confusion written on it.

"Who are you?" The doctor asks.

"[name] Adams, and I want to see Philip!" I cried again. He widens his eyes. I turn to Alexander. "We need to see Philip!"

"I'll let you in, but please, you have to understand. The bullet came in just above his hip, and was lodged in his right arm-"

"Just let us see him!" Alexander yelled. "Please!"

"I'm doing everything I can, but the wound was already infected when he arrived."

Alexander and I run into the room. Alex collaspes at the bed side, while I was staring in shock and sadness in the doorway.

"Philip...." I whispered. He was bleeding badly. His face pale, eyes blank like a spill of white paint over a brown and grey landscape. A spill on a perfect painting. He sees Alexander.

"Pa..." He manages to say. He turns toward me. I couldn't bare to see him so distraught...

So pained.

"[name]..." he says. His voices cracks as he says my name. I sit down next to Alexander. Alexander was trying not to cry. Philip reaches for me. I grab his hand, squeezing it. Philip turns back to Alexander.

"I did exactly as you said pop...." he says. "I held my head up high."

"I know, I know."


"I know, I know, I know, you did everything just right."

"Even before we got to ten, I was aiming for the sky.."

"I know, I know.."

"I was aiming for the sky.."

"I know, I know, save your strength and stay alive!"

I couldn't bare to watch the scene unfold. My sobbing got worse. I let go of his hand, putting my head into my lap.

"I'm so sorry, that I couldn't do the things I promised you.." Philip said. I lift my head, realizing he was talking to me. "I should've them right.."

I take his hand again, holding it like my life would end if I didn't. "I know, I know."

"I should've done them right.."

"I know, I know."

"But then we count to ten, and we have to say goodbye..."

"Just - Philip, please don't die!"
Someone bursts in the door. Alexander and I look in shock. I gasp.

"Eliza.." Alexander says.

"Is he breathing, is he going to survive this?!" She demands. He kisses my cheek, and I cry harder.

"Philip..." i cry.

"This is just like your trip to London." He says. "You'll miss me so much that you'll burst if you don't see my face again, but then sooner or later I'll see you again."

"No Philip, it's not like that trip at all...." I say. "I won't see you for years and years."

"Shh..." He says, holding my cheek, rubbing his thumb in circles. "It'll be alright. We'll see each other eventually."

"But..." I cry. I had nothing else to say. He was right. But I didn't want him to go...

"Who did this, Alexander, did you know?!" Eliza says as Philip and I talked. Eliza was at the other end of the bedside now.

"Mom, I'm so sorry, for forgetting what you taught me.." Philip said, looking at Eliza.

"My son.." she cried.

"We played piano,"

"I taught you piano,"

"You'd put your hands on mine." He said.

"You'd change the melody every time."

"I'd always change the lines.."

"Shh, I know, I know."

"I'd always change the lines..."

"I know, I know."

She started singing a melody, and he changed it. I sang along with her as she smiled. Eliza rested her head on the beside. Philip turned to me, still holding both of my hands with his. He smiles. He stops singing. He chest rises and falls for the last time. His eyes were half lidded, and then they closed. Eliza lifted her head.

"Sept huit neuf." She repeated, taking in a sharp breath. "Sept huit."

"I'm sorry.." I whispered. Alexander rubbed my back, letting Eliza freak out while she yelled at the doctor.

"I bet he loved that you were here." He said. "He's always loved you."

I look at Alexander, then to Philip's corpse. I wondered. I wondered why every time I had ever heard his name that I would always scoff, that every time I saw his face I'd look away in disgust. And then it had changed when he said he loved me. But then again...

What would've happened if he didn't?

Weeks later I heard that the Hamilton's had moved uptown. Alexander told me that he's never liked the quietness of uptown, and how Philip would've liked it uptown.

I visit Philip's grave no longer then a month later. I lay bluebells on his grave. The kind of flower he would always get me. Right then I could feel a presence. I whip my head around, to see no one. I could hear a voice. His voice.

My love, take your time. I'll see you on the other side.

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