Today had to be that day - soulmate!Philip x soulmate!male!reader PRT 2

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Lol it's just gonna be the last one except it's male
I walked down the street with Theodosia, my friend. Her father was my father's, Alexander Hamilton's, enemy, but we still hung out togethe. Our fathers didn't care that we were friends, but when they were in a bad mood, they'd be on our friendship like we were mice and they were the cats. She was talking about how this one girl on Instagram did...something or other, I wasn't paying attention.

Theodosia was the most feminine girl I ever met. And I'm not just being stereotypical. She got that 'valy girl' sound to her voice, y'know? I look around myself, seeing all the signs and lights. We were in downtown New York, over by our University campus. There were cafes and book shops EVERYWHERE. She points over to a Starbucks. Not surprised.

"I'm gonna go get a frappecino. I'll be right back." She says. I just nod.

"I'll be in this cafe over here." I say, gesturing to the cafe behind me. I didn't bother to read the sign, and just went right in. Theodosia had dragged me all over New York today, and I didn't know why. She said something or reading about some soulmate thing?

"So, they're born with this mark on them, or it just randomly appears when the times right. Most people put it as a phrase on their wrist, or just a random birth mark." She had said. "When they're closer to their soulmate - the person they fall in love with forever - the mark gets warmer. When their farther away from their soulmate, it gets colder. When they are right next to their soulmate - BAM! Suddenly the mark is scorching hot and the mark turns the color of your soulmate's eyes! It's amazing, I personally think!"

"It sounds sort of foolish, Theo." I had replied.

"It explains the tattoo on your wrist." She said, gesturing the tattoo on my wrist. It said 'today had to be that day.'

"Hello? Hello? Anyone home? Think, Theo, think." I said. (HELLO HELLO ANYONE HOME?! THINK McFLY, THINK! -Biff) "I got this tattoo when I was wasted, remember? I heard someone say that, and decided to get it tattooed on me because I was drunk."

"We see what we want to see, Philip." She said. "And we hear what we want to hear."

I go into the cafe, thinking about what she said. I ordered a black coffee, and seconds later they handed it to me. I put it on a tab. I sat in the back by the window. I saw a boy with his hair rugged walk by. He had a baggy sweatshirt on the the university logo on it. He had blue jeans that had stars scribbled on the knees in Sharpie. His beat up red converse seem to fit in. He had a random yellow star sticker right on his jawline. He was carrying a bunch of books with one arm, gripping them tightly to his chest. There were random lined papers in-between the books. His back pack was really slim looking, like he could fit the books in there.

I couldn't help but stare at him. Hell, if you haven't noticed, I was staring at him. He walked right into the cafe, quickly putting his books on a table. The table was by my seat in the back. He quickly ran up, ordering something. The cashier chuckled.

"Another coffee? You've been here 4 times today, [name]." The man said. He let out a breath and rolled his eyes. He was so f*cking tall....

"Jade, oh my god, can I just have my regular?" He asked. The cashier laughs.

"You're exactly like my brother. Always drinking coffee! I swear you and him are gonna die from caffeine overdose one day. I don't want a suing from your parents."

"Jade!" He said. "I'm not gonna die of caffeine overdose! Is that even an actual thing?!"

"Yeah, people die from caffeine all the time. It's more common than drug overdose."

"Jade." He said. "Please. I just want coffee. Can you give me that?"

The cashier smiled. "One coffee, with creamer."

"Can you put sugar in it today?" He asked. "I have a test coming up that I'm cramming for."

"You and my brother." The cahsier sighed. "I swear you and Blake are always cramming. I'm not surprised you two aren't as pale as paper from sleep deprivation."

I just watched as the two chatted. My wrist starting burning like all hell. He walked over with his coffee. He went around the table, setting stuff down and organizing. I decide to get up with my coffee to sit at another table, since it looked like he was going into 'do not disturb' mode. He suddenly bumps into me, my coffee spilling over him and I. We groaned.

"Today had to be that day." We said simultaneously. We look up at each other in surprise. He suddenly screeches an 'ow' before pulling up his sleeve. She had the same phrase tattooed on her arm. It went from black to chocolate brown. I look at my tattoo. It went from white to [eye color]. We look back at each other. We didn't care about our coffee stained shirts.

"You-" I said.

"I-" he said.



"Maybe?" We finished together.

"We oughta-" I started

"Yeah-" he started.

"My dorm-"

"Your dorm-"

"7 tonight?" We said together. We looked at each other in shock. We suddenly burst out laughing. People were looking at us like we were crazy, but I didn't care. I don't think he did either. Theo walked in.

"Philip!" She said. The guy and I looked at Theo. He turns back to me.

"Here." He said. He took out a sharpie and grabbed my arm. He wrote something down. "Text me your dorm, k? See ya!" He said. I look at the writing.

See ya at 7!
- [name]
(___) ___-____

Theo walks up, and drags me away. We started walking down the streets of New York again. I was still being dragged by Theo, and I was still looking behind me, my face obviously showing the whole 'goo goo eye' look. Theo stopped dragging me.

"What was gotten into you?" Theo asked.

"Love, that's what." I said, staring dreamily as the guy exited the cafe, books in hand.

Oneshots - xreader or ships (read the description) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now