Love - Human!Sans x reader prt 2 (UT)

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"Sans!" I scream.

"[name]!" He yells back.

Why were we yelling? I'll tell you why.

We had gotten caught by King Asgore. Blake and I. The guards dragged us to the castle where Asgore put us in the dungeons. I sat in the cell with Blake, crying. Blake was nodding his head to the beat of his music, blasting it in his ears. I turn to him.

"How are you not worried??" I ask. He pulls off his headphones and looks at me.

"I've been in here once before with Frisk." He says. "I know how to get out." He says. My eyes widen.

"Tell me how then! We need to get out of here!" I say, desperate.

"First, we need a way to get in touch with your soul." She says. Purple magic surrounds her hand, pulling out a heart from my chest. It was a bright white. "Hmm. I've never seen this kind of soul before." She says, taking out a withered notebook.

"Soul?" I ask. "Please explain." He sighs.

"There are 8 souls that I know of. Determination, bravery, justice, kindness, patience, integrity, perseverance, and hate. Frisk was determination, Chara was hate, I'm perseverance." She says, flipping through the pages of the notebook. She points to a page. "There is one other soul apparently." He says, showing me the page. "Love. That's your soul."

"Love? What? Please explain a bit better." He sighs again.

"There once was 8 humans. Chara, Sahana, Aaron, Ingrid, Kester, Noam, Jesse, and Frisk. The all represented there soul. Chara was hate, Sahana was patience, Aaron was bravery, Ingrid was integrity, Kester was perseverance, Noam was kindness, Jesse was justice, and Frisk was determination." He says.

"I thought you were perseverance." I say.

"Kester died and I got his soul." He says. "To continue, they all had a soul, leading to the whole Jesse was justice, Noam was kindness, etc. They all had a color. Determination is red, Bravery is orange, Justice is yellow, Kindness is green, Patience is light blue, Integrity is royal blue, Hate is black, and Love is white. Your soul is white, therefore making it the love soul." She explains. "Who do you love and why?"

"Wh-what?" I ask. "Why do you need to know?"

"To get in touch with it, activating it's power, it's magic." He says. "Who do you love and why?" I gulp.

"I love Sans." I say. The soul glows.


"Because he's cute a smart and funny. He helps through my problems and he's always there for me. He always cheers me up, he always make stupid joke. He's an idiot at times but I love him." I say, and with each word the soul glowed brighter. "I love him so much..." And with that, the soul was so bright it blinded everyone in the room for a minute.

"Now that it's activated, we can get out of here." He says.

"What about you?" I ask. "Don't you need magic too?" She chuckles.

"I got in touch with my soul long ago. I'll be fine." He says. "But you have to find Asgore and fight him. I'll distract the guards and fight them off." He says. He grabs my shoulders. "Do it for the monsters. Do it for Sans." He said. He let go of me and broke the bars with a swift spell. "Go!" I start running. I could hear Blake fighting the guards off. I run down many long corridors, until I come into what I think is the throne room. I see Asgore and he smiles evilly.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the little escape-y." He says. "Where's your little friend? Perseverance?" He says. I notice 9 jars around the room. Each one held a different color heart, except for two. There was red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, royal blue, black, and the last two were empty. I gasp. Souls....he after Blake and I's souls! I think. A guard walks in.

"Your majesty, we caught the purple soul." It says, holding a purple heart. Blake... I think.

"Well done." Asgore says.

"Shall I collect the white soul for you?" The guard says, referring to me. He shakes his head.

"No, I shall do it myself." Asgore says, getting out of the throne. "Take a hit at me. This one will be a free-be." My eyes narrow in rage.

"You killed my friend. You took me away from friends and family. You took me away from Sans..." I grumble. "YOU WILL PAY!!" I scream, getting encased in a white bubble of magic. My hands fill with a white ball of engery, which I throw at Asgore. His eyes widen, and he takes the hit. He gets thrown across the room, hitting the floor. The jars rattle and shake at the impact.

"How is this possible..." He whispers. "How are you this strong..."

"You took me away from the ones I love, I guess this is karma.." I says, my eyes still filled with rage, venom dripping from my words. I throw a final ball of magic at him, killing him. Suddenly the jars shatter, releasing the souls. They all take form into a human. I see Blake.

"[name]!" He runs up to me and hugs me, picking me up off the ground. "I knew you could do it!" I chuckle. He lets me go plopping me on the floor. She turns me to the souls.

"Guys, this is [name]. [name], that's Frisk," He points to a brown haired person in a purple sweater. They wave. "Aaron," He points to a guy in orange.

" 'Sup!" He says.


"Hey." She says.


"Hello!" He says.


"Hm." She says.


"Why hello there!" She says in a perky attitude.

"And...Chara." She says, trailing off a bit.

"Hehe, hi." She says. She sounded sort of...evil.

"I know!" Ingrid says. "Let's go to Sans' house! He'll know what to do after this!"

"Good, cause I'm running out of oneshot ideas." Blake says.

"What?" I ask.


~~timeskip to Sans' place~~
Blake knocks on the door. Sans answers. His face was tear stained, he's definitly been crying. He looks at us.

"What the hell is this?" He asks.

"Hi Sans!" Noam says.

"I thought you all were dead.." he says.

"Were. And then [name] here busted us out." Jesse says, pointing at me. Sans looks at me.

"[n-name]?" He asks. I nod.

"Hey Sans..." I say. Blake cuts in.

"OhmygodSansitwassocoolsoIgotaplantobustusoutandItold[name]tofightAsgorewhileIfoughtoftheguardsandIgotkilledbyhteguardsand[name]stepsinlike'NAHSONYOUAINTKILLINMAHFRIENDS'andkillsAsgoreandnowallthemonstersarefree!" Blake says jumbled up. Sans turned to me.

"I didn't understand I word he said but all I know is that YOUR BACK!" He says, grabbing me and spinning around. He suddenly stops. It was like the perfect Disney moment that you wanted in real life. Sans stared at me smiling big. He looked at my lips. We're just about to kiss when...

"*achem* If you don't mind it's fucking freezing out here, could you let us in?" Chara says. Sans rolls his eyes.

"Sure, come on in." He says, setting me down. We sit down an start chatting about what to do now. Papyrus comes in and is all happy guy and talks too. Sans turns to me. "[name]?"


"I love you.." he says. I smile.

"I love you too."

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