I could've been the one - Dipper x reader (GF)

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I'm feeling sad today!

Let's do this shit

Sad piano music and depressing chapter here we come!

Btw you and Dipper are 17 in this. Get ready for a few of Hamilton references!
You shut the door, crying your eyes out. You slid down, sitting. You hug your knees crying. Mabel starts knocking on the door.

"[nickname]?" She asks. You could hear your friend's voice. "Are you alright?"

You didn't answer you just grabbed a nearby pillow and hugged it like it was your love, your life, your sweet darling Dipper. Another knock on the door. You still remained quiet.

"[name]?" You hear, a voice cracked and pitch perfect voice coming from the other side. It was Dipper. Your so-called "boyfriend".

You ignored him, tears still streaming down your face, wishing that the pain would end. You realized at that moment - it would never end. It would be a feeling in the pit of your stomach that was the exact opposite of love - it was torment. It was still love, but it no longer wanted to embrace you lightly, it wanted to squeeze you until death came. Another knock.

"[name], please answer." He said. His voice was no longer pitch perfect with his cute and subtle voice cracks, no, it was crumbling and flowing like a dam that had just been destroyed.. like he was crying. Like he - he knew the actual feeling of suffering and pain. Like he knew the torment and the thoughts that someone in your state would know. He would never know that. You still didn't answer, afraid to fall back into his arms.

"[name] I am so sorry." He said. Your eyes wide open, you listened inventively. "I should've done it. She - she lured me like a fish and bait." He explained.

"I had prayed and prayed and wished and hoped and dreamed to God that I had the right to say no." He continued. Your uncontrollable sobbing turned into a slow flow of tears, your breathing now steady. "That I could turn down a - a simple girl that could never compare to you."

"That was a minor fracture in our relationship that I could easily mend. But I was - I was somehow incapable of doing such a deed." He kept going.

It was so relaxing, so amazing to hear, but you knew that he was just trying to manipulate you into being with him again. You tightened your hug on the pillow.

"Are you hearing what I'm saying?" He said, an obvious and loud voice crack in his voice. You could tell he was crying, like he was about to burst. "I'm saying that I love you. I love you more than the sun loves the sky, more than the a flower loves the morning dew, more than the moon loves the stars. I'm saying I love you, god dammit!" He screamed. You could hear him drop to the floor - most likely on his knees - and cry.

Your sobbing got even worse. First it was a slow trickle - but no - the tears were unstoppable, they just kept going and going and you hated it. But you knew you would be doing this every night - every day even - you knew it would be a re-occuring nightmare that would never end.

"Dipper." You muttered. You heard his breath hitch.

"Y-yes?" He sobbed out quietly.

"I could've been the one." You said through your tears. "I could've been the one you helped and saved you and did everything you could ever need. I could've been the one to sit with you at night and stare into the empty space that was your room."

"But...a-aren't you that one?" He asks oh so silently. You could barely hear his voice, but it was just high enough to be at a small whisper.

"You lost something you can never replace, Mason." You said. You could hear that his breathing was unsteady, that he was wondering what you meant my "could've" and all your talk in the past tense.


You didn't answer. You rethought your life, you relived the memories, you started thinking about everything you've done for him, everything he's done for you, everything you'd done together and for each other. You remembered all the mysteries you and him solved, you remembered all the mysteries you and him had left to solve you remember everything. You finally spoke.

"You lost my love."

Oneshots - xreader or ships (read the description) (FINISHED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin