Chapter 34: weirded out

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"Well Mark, the brother of (y/n), had red hair a long time ago. So It is like a little nickname. He isn't going mad or anything", Amy and I tried to explain the situation. " We are still checking on that", the nurse said who slighty started to get on my nevers.
After a time of begging and explaining she still kept him there. "Can we see him at least?", I asked. She nodded and let us to the special department of the hosipital.
As we came there, the annoying nurse talked to a doctor. "Sow you wanted to see the new patient?" "Yes, tyler" he made signs to follow him and opend a lot of mysterious looking doors for us. "Here in this room he is", he said while pointing out to a window where we could see him but he obviously didn't saw us. Tyler had some big red foam looking hands. Sure 3 times bigger as his own hands. He was hitting himself and the wall with it and screaming "i am the hulk Aaagr". After some more punshes he sat down again. He looked a little sad and bored of course. What would you expect if you were stuck in a plain with room with no windoms doors or furneture. Just white soft looking walls ground and ceiling. "See he isn't crazy",Amy and I stated at the same time. "Well he also have runned around Hitting his chest with the hands and screaming like a gorilla-", We couldn't controle our giggles and started laughing, "you see what i mean he is crazy" "well no doc. He is just fine. we all do this kind of stuff as youtubers. Sure when we get bored." Whatever we said still no changes.

We were back at (y/n)'s room. "Where is Tyler?" asked Mark as we walked in the room. "He is in the special department and they won't let him out." "Tyler? You or Mark, okay understandable. But Tyler?", (y/n) said with her voice a little louder than she first spoke. Everyone just laughed at her sassyness. We were all glad she was back. We all couldn't wait till she could come back home with us. The doctors had said tonight but than others said next week. The doctors here were very strange. Not like normal weird but alien weird.
A nurse came in the room and pushed us out before we could protest. She had screamed at us and locked the door as we were out. She said she needed to do some more check ups but i somehow didn't believed it. That nurse had purple eyes. And i could swear underneat that headband was an extra eye.
As we were outside in the hallway, we hearded screams coming out of the room. "Please no! Stop!" A strange noice came after that. Something like an electric teaser. Another scream came. The doctors outside didn't even looked in our direction. They seemed not to hear it. Now i noticed how weird this hospital is. Rooms were always closed or locked. The doctors and nurses had weird looks. Someone had 50 teeth. Another one had purple eyes or full black eyes. Some with 3 boobs, dog ears or even with a tail. One even had flowers growing out of her mouth. One were you could see his bowns and muscules throught his skin like it was invisable. And so much more. I guess i never saw it because i was worried sick over (y/n).

(Y/n)'s POV:
The nurse had tied me to the bed. "Now you're one of us", she said before she started electro shoking me. I screamed it out but nothing worked. It got worse and more painfull. She wanted too much.

Ethan's POV:
I heard the screams become louder and louder. Now the light were starting to go off and on. I heard echos and the rest of the crew were gone. No sighn of any of them. Amy,Mark, Katherine and more were gone. Some smoke filled the room and it was getting darker. "AAAH", i heard now like it was in my head. I started to get dizzy. Everything started to spin. Right after that the lights were out. Only some little lights of the sun came throught a window. Everyone was gone and i started to panic. The screams came more often. Then i felt something on my shoulder. A hand. It pulled me down towards its. "Ethan-", I heard the person say. I swear i was gonna pass out any moment. How did that person knew my name? What was going on? 

~ ~ ~ ~

Super sorry for the late update. I was busy with school and exams and then after that my depression nearly killed me. I've been suicidal for 9 months but the past weeks it was just on it worst. I nearly killed myself. BUT i am back. kind of stronger. idk sure but i will update more now. if i find inspiration. LOVE ALL OF YOU SWEET CREATURES; THANKS FOR THE COMMENTS, STARS AND READS; JUST UNBELIEVABLE

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