If I'm Louder Chapter 1:

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Chapter 1:

Harry and the boys are due any minute and i wasn’t even dressed yet. I quickly finish my bowl of cereal and rush upstairs before they get here. I’m just pulling off my shirt as I hear Harry’s voice full my room.

“Ever heard of knocking Hazza?!” i yell as he casually walks into my room while i’m changing. “Well I was knocking for about 10 minutes and thought you died so i had to come check.” He says grinning as i pull the hem of my clean shirt down. I walk over to him. He enrolls me into a big hug.

“Missed you BriBri.” Harry says, calling me his little nickname. “I missed you too, Hazz. But this little love fest is gonna have to be put on hold, i need to put my pants on…” I say releasing him from our embrace. He just looks at me with those blue-green eyes of his, curiously. “That means get out, Harry!” i say laughing.

“Fine,” he whins “Oh and your bra is pretty cute.” He says with a wink, walking out the door. I grab a stuffed animal and throw it at him, but miss. He walks by my room again just to tell me that i missed. He closes my bedroom door and i hear his footsteps fall down the hallway to the stairs.

I hurry up and finish changing then head downstairs to greet the rest of the boys. I walk into the tv room and only see Harry sitting on my couch. “Where are the rest of the boys?” I ask curiously. “Oh Niall got hungry so they decided to go find some place to eat.” Harry says, letting his eyes roam over me.

“We had food here..” i say looking towards the kitchen. “They knew that, you usually do have food. But I asked them if it could just be me and you tonight and they agreed.” Harry tells me patting the cushion beside him. I walk over and he takes my hand, gently pulling me into his lap. He leans back onto the arm rest and pulls me closer to his chest. “How come?” i ask.

“How come what?” He asks, stroking my hair. It felt right, laying there listening to Harry’s heartbeat. “How come just us?” i rephrase. “Cuz i missed you BriBri.” He replies gently pressing his lips to my cheek. “Harry?”

“Yeah Brianna?” He echos back to me. “Do you love me?” “Course i do Bri, you are my best friend.” Harry says holding me closer. “I didn’t mean like that…” I say quietly. For once, the Harry Styles is speechless. I climb off the couch and head into the kitchen to find some grub. Harry follows momentarily. “Yes” he says as i reach into the fridge.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now