chapter 26

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I call my mum to tell her the news on our baby’s gender. I could literally feel her joy, she was so excited for her first grandchild. Next Harry called Anne and Robin. They both reacted to the news just like my mum, full of joy and excitement. We finish up with phoning Harry’s sister, the boys, and management. Gemma and the boys were thrilled. Louis was even starting to plot his and the future baby’s mischievous plans. That boy. Planning before the baby is even born. Management, well, they said congratulations. Which I found to be a plus. 

——-15 weeks later/ 30 weeks pregnant——-

I’m the size of a whale. Literally. I don’t know how people are able to carry twins. One is plenty enough for me to carry in my stomach for nine months. I have about 10 weeks left. Due in late December, and its only September. How am I going to do this?!

Harry was going to be here shortly, today was yet another check-up. I slowly pull on my jeans, slipping on my TOMS afterwards. then I pull my loose shirt over my overly large tummy.

I hear a slight knock on the door. “Harry is downstairs waiting. If you are hungry I can make something for you.” my mum says poking her head in. “Nah I’m okay, Harry and I can pick something up on the way home.” i tell her. She disappears downstairs.

I felt so bad mooching off of my own mother. If Harry didn’t have to do the touring and the signings, I would be staying at his house with him, but he is away a lot. I keep hoping that when our love bump is born that will change. He promised me he would be there, but frankly I didn’t know for sure what that even meant with him now. He was a little withdrawal-ed from me lately.

Louis, on the other hand, I just could not get rid of that boy! Every time the boys were in town, I would be the first person they came to see; making sure that everything was going properly. Louis wouldn’t leave my side during these times, always making sure I was comfortable enough, warm enough, asking if I was hungry or needed anything. I will admit, I sort of liked it. But sometimes a girl needs space, especially if she is pregnant.

I’ve been having major mood swings lately. Harry caught the last riff of the worst one. I kept dropping everything because my hands were sweaty and swollen. Every time I would drop something, another thing would go wrong. I probably broke about 5 of my mum’s good cups, 3 plates, and a few nicknacks. I was beyond pissed those few weeks that was going on. I would scream at anyone who got in my way, even the cat, who I’m pretty sure hates me now, I haven’t saw him in a few days so he must know to stay away from me now. 

I slowly make my way down the stairs. Harry meets me half way taking my hand so I didn’t fall from being top heavy. “Ready?” he asks looking at me. I nod as he leads me to the door. “See ya soon mum!” I yell freely in the house. “Bye dear! Good luck, be sure to phone me with any news if you plan on staying at Harry’s tonight.” she yells back as Harry and I head out. Harry helps me slide into the front of his car, then he trots to his slide. Sliding in, he leans over and plants a sweet kiss on my lips.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now