chapter 13

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My body was numb. My lungs felt like there was two fifty pound bricks laying across them. I couldn’t swallow my saliva so it started dripping down my chin forming a puddle of spit at the base of my neck. I tried to move my hand to mop it up, but my hand wouldn’t bend to my will. It laid there lifeless. I gave up trying to move my hand and just lay there, in a bed that wasn’t mine. I knew my eyes would open but i didn’t want to see what was waiting for me behind them quite yet. I slowly began to drift off to sleep once again.


Someone was crying, i could hear their light sobs. My hand was slowly picked up, I start to feel a warm hand envelope mine. “Please Bri” I hear the person whisper. I’ve known that voice for many years, a voice I have grown to love hear say my name. I slowly begin to open my eyes. As they fill with the bright light of the room I squeeze them tightly together.

“Bri?” Harry asks hopefully. I try opening my eyes again, only to come up with the same conclusion. I feel the warm hand slip from mine. I try to protest, but my voice fails me. I hear the patter of feet leave me briefly, but soon enough return. The lights behind my closed eyelids are dimmer, Harry turned the lights down for me. I try once again to open my eyes and with success they finally open to view a very sad looking Harry. 

His hair was flat and matted, with hardly any curls. There was no shine in his jade eyes like normal, and I couldn’t even see a smile playing across his mouth. He looked up from our intertwined hands and saw me looking back. Sheer surprise spread across his face. “Thank God!” he says exasperated. “I’ll go get the nurse.” He says letting go of my hand. I try to shake my head no, but it hardly does any good, Harry was already out the door. 

A few seconds later he walks in with a old looking nurse. “We’ll get that tube out of your throat now that you are awake.” she says walking over to me. “Mr. Styles, it’s probably best if you wait outside.” the nurse says turning to him. His eyes flick from her to me in an instant. I shake my head, not wanting him to go, but the nurse ushers him out anyways.

She comes back over to me as another, younger nurse appears in the doorway with more medical equipment.”Time to take that tube out dear, then you’ll be able to talk.” the older nurse says. She gently grabs a hold of the tube that was protruding out of my mouth. The other nurse takes hold on my hand and squeezes as if she knew this would hurt.

  It did. It hurt like a bitch. My throat was rubbed raw from the tube and when my throat met fresh air after the tube was out i thought i was going to die from the pain. “Drink this hun. Your throat must be killing you now.” the younger nurse says handing me a cup full of liquid. I pull it to my lips and drink slowly. It felt like fire-y ice sliding down my throat; burning at first then cooling my throat.”Thank you” i croak. “You’re welcome. You might not want to talk for a while, your throat will be raw for a while.” she says. 

“We have to check your stitches.” the older nurse says. I look at her alarmed, why did i have stitches? “Oh hunny. It’s okay.” the younger nurse says seeing my startled face. “Why do I have stitches? Why am I in here?” I ask tryingly. Both nurses freeze and look at each other. The older one continues getting materials out of drawers. “I don’t know the full story. Sorry hun.” the younger one says sympathetically. She leans forward and pulls the hospital gown off my right shoulder. Then she peels away what seems like pounds of gauze and tape from my back. I notice there’s a small patch of gauze to the right of my collar bone also.

 There was a light stinging near my shoulder blade now. “Sorry about the stinging dear, we have to clean the wound.” the older lady says as i feel another round of cold liquid touch my back. I wince at the pain as she applies pressure to the tender area. They pack the wound with clean gauze then move to the gauze band aid on the right of my chest.

The younger nurse pulls back the gauze and i notice a small hole, slightly sewn together with blackish stitching. Slightly reddish orange, swollen and full of dried blood around it. I began to freak out just a bit. “Brianna you need to settle down. I know getting shot is scary, but please settle down so we don’t have to sedate you.” the older nurse orders. I was shot?! How could i settle down now! I wanted Harry right now. I started screaming for him, thrashing. More nurses flooded into the room.

I felt a light pinch in my thigh, the light began to dim slightly. I started to drift off into the world without dreams. Slowly, slowly. My lungs get heavy, my eyelids can hardly stay open. I slowly slip from the world yet again.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now