chapter 11

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Harry and I stayed down at the lake for a while, talking about how life has changed. Then some fans come out of no where. “Harry Styles!” one of them scream. “Shhh!” Harry shushes. She looks at him and bursts into tears. The girls swarm him, pushing me farther away from his reach. He looks at me with pleading eyes then mouths “Sorry babe.” I understood that Harry and I would have a hard time being together in public now that he and the boys were becoming even more large. Harry takes a few pictures and signs a few things for the girls. They want to keep talking to him, but he keeps looking down at his watch.

“What’s wrong Harry?” one of the American girls ask. “Oh I-nothing… I and my friend need to be heading back to rehearsals soon.” he says looking at me. “Can you stay a few more minutes?” the girls ask hopefully. “I-” He didn’t even get to finish his sentence when his phone started playing “Free Fallin’” by John Mayer. Harry holds up his finger signaling he has to take the call. “Yes?” he says into the phone. After several ‘mmhm’s and a goodbye Harry tells the girls that his manager is looking for him and he must leave. He walks over to where I standing. “Ready love?” he asks giving me his undivided attention. I nod and we begin to walk away.

“Why does she get to hang out with him when his manager is looking for him but we can’t?” one of the girls retorts to another loud enough for me and Harry to hear. I look at Harry and see that he has become pissed off. He turns on his heels slightly, back to the girl who said that. “Excuse me?” He says. “Oh. Uhm. I- I was just wondering why that chick gets to hang out with you after you told us you had to leave…” she studders. “That’s a bit rude don’t you think? considering that Brianna is my very best friend…” Harry says to the young girl. “I-I uhm.” she looks like she was about ready to cry. “Please. Don’t judge or hate Brianna just because she’s allowed to hang out with me. Not trying to be mean or rude, but I don’t want my fans hating on my best friend just because they feel like it. Get to know her, you might even get to like her as I do.” he tells the girls, looking at me and grinning cheekily. “I’m sorry Harry, Brianna. If I would have-” the girl says, but i cut her off. “Oh no, hun it’s okay. I get it! i know how protective the boys’ fans are. Harry and I have been friends for many years, i will do nothing to hurt him. I accept your apology. Thank you.” The girls smile at us sweetly then bid a goodbye.

“I’m sorry about that Bri.” Harry says looking at the ground as we walk back to the hotel. “Harry it’s totally fine!” i tell him smiling. “You sure?” he asks peering at me from under his curls. “Course Hazz.” i say ruffing his hair. “We are gonna wanna go in the back.” he says taking my hand and pulling me toward the back of the hotel parking lot. His phone starts singing ‘Free Fallin’ again. “Hello?” he answers. “Parking lot. Meet us?”

“We just happen to be a bit late.” Harry says smirking at me. “If they ask what we were doing tell them we robbed a bank.” I say laughing. “And hid the money in a few bushes over.” Harry retorts smiling. The van pulls up beside us as we make it halfway through the parking lot. Louis slides the door open, “What took you!?” he asks sliding over to make some room for Harry and I. “We robbed a bank on the way home.” I say with a serious face. Paul whips around in his seat staring at Harry and I. “You better not be serious.” he says with a stern, scary look that only Paul could pull off. I glance over at Harry, he still had a serious look on his face so I decided to stay serious too. 

Paul didn’t know what to say, Neither did the boys. None of them knew if we were serious or not, being Harry and I; we could have done it. And both Paul and the boys knew that. I look over at Harry, he looks at me. We burst out laughing. Paul looks at us shaking his head. He reaches up and turns the radio on.

“In other news, two teenagers robbed a local bank today. One male and one female.” Paul turns down the radio looking at us with a very nervous look in his eye. The boys all shut up and stare at us, wide-eyed. “I swear we were just joking Paul! If I would have known that actually happen we wouldn’t have said that.” I say, that surprised the shit out of both Harry and I. Paul turns the radio back up, “The boy, Johnny Cole and girl, Addison Mellics were arrested at Cole’s house just moments ago.” the radio broadcaster announces. We sit in silence the rest of the way to the venue where the boys had to rehearse. 


I take a spot in one of the sections seats at the venue while the boys sing. Harry calls my name in the mic. “Yeah?” I yell back to him. “Come down here please.” he says in a deep voice in the mic. “One minute.” I say shuffling down the stairs. I get to the bottom platform and trip. I put my arms out to brace my fall, knowing that my face was seconds from connecting with concrete. But i feel someone’s hand grip my arm and keep me upright. I open my eyes to find a gorgeous teen boy around my age looking back at me contently with beautiful hazel eyes. 

“Oh gosh! thank you so much! I would have had a face full of concrete if you wouldn’t have caught me.” I say to the boy. “You’re welcome.” He says in a quick American accent that I found extremely attractive. He smiles at me with a very amazing smile then continues off with what he was doing before. I couldn’t get the image of him out of my mind, he was beyond gorgeous with light sandy blonde hair, beautiful hazel eyes and he was quite fit if you asked me. I feel someone tap on my shoulder. “You okay BriBri?” Harry says pulling me out of my daydream. “Oh..Yeah yeah sorry.” I say pulling myself back down to reality.

“Saw you get saved by that guy.” Harry says chuckling in my ear. “Yeah if it wasn’t for him my face would be hurting right now.” I say. Harry chuckles lightly in my ear as he pulls me up onto the stage with him. “So Brianna. We have a surprise for you.” Liam says looking at me. The boys all gather around Harry and I, smiling. What was going on…

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now