chapter 9

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We quickly head up to Liam’s hotel room before the next wave of fans arrives outside the hotel. Harry users me inside Liam’s room. We find Zayn and Liam doing a twitcam with the fans on twitter. They were being completely random, singing and dancing. “We can go to my room if you want instead.” Harry whispers in my ear. I look back at the boys, Louis was moving the laptop back so they could get all four of them in the chat. I look back at Harry and shake my head. I wanted to stay and join the fun.

“Where are my cookies?” Niall asks looking around the room. I nod at him then point to the cookies in Zayn’s hand that he was chowing down. “Oh my god Zayn! Are those my damn cookies?!” Niall yells with a wild look in his eyes. “Uh. Liam said they were fair game!” Zayn replies with cookie crumbs flying outta his mouth. Harry walks over to the twitcam. “For the benefit of you guys, Zayn stole Niall’s cookies, then proceeded to eat them. We all know how Niall is about his food.” Harry tells the fans, laughing.

Niall sat down on the floor in front of the laptop and pouted. Zayn tried to give him the cookies, but Niall ignored him the whole time. I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself. Louis picked up a snickers bar and gave it to Niall, who became all smiles. Niall sat there munching happily on his candy as the other boys arranged themselves around the Irish singer.

Harry patted the bed, motioning for me to join him and Zayn on Liam’s bed while the other boys sit on the floor in front. I walk over and Harry grabs my waist, then pulls me over his lap right into the spot between him and Zayn. “This is Bri! She’s awesome, and has good taste in food.” Niall says with his mouth chalked full of snickers bar. Liam leans closer to the laptop to read the message feed. “Bri the fans wanna know something about you that Harry didn’t say on the X-Factor.” He says looking back at me.

I look over at Harry, trying to decide what to tell them that hardly anyone would know. “Erm… Well I love Ed Sheeran and his music. Does that count?” I say. “Favorite song?” Harry asks. “I absolutely love ‘Cold Coffee’” I reply. “Good choice, good choice.” Liam replies and he pulls up that song on his ipod. The boys start singing, Harry looks over at me with intense eyes singing along to every word with the boys. He leans slightly on me, urging me to sing along, knowing that I knew all the words. “Sing. you know you are a good singer, just sing along like no one is watching.” He whispers persuasively in my ear.

“Okay you guys! We need every single one of you to tell Bri to sing with us! She’s a bit shy when it comes to singing, but I know she’s a great singer.” Harry says to the fans. All five boys look at me. “Wait! You can sing?” Louis asks curiously. “We must hear this! Everyone ask her to sing for us!” Louis says smiling at me. I really didn’t want to sing, it was embarrassing. Liam points at the message feed, “They really want to hear you sing love.” My mouth opens in a gap.

Harry looks at me, giving me courage to take the first note. “You want us to start with you?” Niall offers. “Erm. no thanks. Does it matter what song i sing?” I ask looking at Harry for reassurance. “A few fans were suggesting ‘What Makes You Beautiful,’ but it’s your choice.” Liam says. I nod, of course i knew all the words to that song by heart and if i slipped up with it, well their whole fanbase would know within seconds. Harry puts his arm around me, “We’ll start you out then you are on your own unless you need help.” he says smiling cheekily.

Liam makes a weird face at the camera, “Just jump in when you feel comfy, We’ll do a few bars then it’s all yours.” he explains, then he starts singing. “You’re insecure, don’t know what for, you’re turning heads when you walk throught the door-or-or,” I decide to jump in right here, “Don’t need make-up to cover up. Being the way that you are is enough.” Liam and I sing together. Then Harry joins in for a few verses, “Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but youuu.” Then the boys get silent, but i keep going. I knew the rest of the song.

I finish the last verse of the song and find the boys staring at me with wide smiles. “Holy shit Bri! We didn’t know that you were such a good singer.” Niall says smiling at me. “Thanks” i laugh. “The fans loved it too!” Louis says reading the laptop screen. “They want you to keep singing, as do I.” Zayn says. I couldn’t stop smiling. Harry kept looking at me with proud eyes. He leans over and tells me in my ear that I did great.

We sing a few more songs and dance some more on the twitcam. The fans kept asking me to make a twitter account. Harry told them that I would have one later today, and he would make sure of that. We tell the fans goodbye then Liam shuts the twitcam off. “You were amazing Brianna! Harry never told us that you could sing like that.” Louis says to me. “Awe thanks Louis. You’re not too shabby of a singer yourself.” I say winking. “Har-har-har.” he says with a grin. “I’m hungry!” Niall yells. “Well, you guys wanna go get some food then?” Liam asks us. We all reply with a quick yes, I was starving.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now