chapter 25

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I woke up to my bed shifting. “Mum?” I ask sleepily. “I am by far not a woman nor your mum.” I hear a deep voice answer. “Harry!?” I yell sitting straight up in bed. “Woah! Woah! Take it easy there Bri.” he says to me putting his hands on my shoulders. “I thought you weren’t suppose to be back until Tuesday!” I say wrapping my arms around his waist, pulling him in for a hug. “Yeah well.” He says with a sly smile. “What’d you do?” I ask knowing that smile. “Management is giving us a early break.” he says. “Liar.” I say knowing that look in his eyes. “You caught me!” he says with a chuckle, leaning back on the bed.

“After the announcement the people at the radio interview asked me when you were suppose to have another appointment, I said that you have one a week from the day we were there, being tomorrow. Well management heard about it and gave me a few days off so I could go with you this time cos last time they didn’t let me.” he explains. I nod. Finally management weren’t being arses.


I roll over and hit something hard, and warm. I lean up on my elbows. “Good morning Beautiful.” Harry says with a warm smile as he brushes locks of my hair from my eyes. I fall back onto my pillow groaning. “What time is it?” i mumble. I feel Harry shift. “8:47am What times the appointment?” he asks. “9:30.” I mumble into the pillow. I feel Harry’s cool hands slip under the hem of my shirt, rubbing my belly.

“What are you thinking?” I ask peeking at him from beneath my hair. “That I didn’t think you could get any more beautiful than you already were, but then you go and change my mind with everything you do.” he says smiling down at me cheekily. I grin up at him, stretching to reach his lips with mine. He rolls off the bed.

He stretches his arms to the ceiling, his stomach muscles pulling every which way. I could see every muscle perfectly, letting my eyes linger on his bare chest. “That’s not healthy.” he says with a laugh. I snap out of my trance. “Hmm?” I say looking up at his face. “It looked to me like you were trying to burn through my stomach with laser vision. That can’t be healthy.” he says smirking at me. I just roll my eyes, slowly climbing off the bed. 

I grab a pair of joggers and a plain loose shirt to wear to the appointment today. I slip on a pair of my pink converse then pull a beanie over my head. Harry basically wears the exact same thing, a pair of joggers, with a v-neck top, beanie, but he wears his supras instead of converse. “Twins.” I say with a smirk. He looks over at me taking in my outfit. “I suppose we are.” he says with a grin.


“Brianna Basset?” a nurse calls. I stand up, so does Harry. Taking my hand we make our way over to the nurse. She takes my weight, blood pressure and pulse then says to wait in the room for the doctor. Soon enough the doctor comes in. “You must be Brianna.” she says shaking my hand. “Harry Styles, I didn’t plan on seeing you in here.” she says with a slight smirk. I couldn’t help but laugh, she was a fan of the boys. “Either did I frankly, but here I am.” he says with a smile squeezing my hand. We go through the motions just like the last time, then the doctor leads Harry and I into a room for the ultrasound.

“Ready to see your baby again?” the technician asks towards me. I nod and smile. Harry takes my hand, it was going to be the first time he gets to see our love bump move. She squirts the cold jelly on my stomach, I jump from the cold. “You okay?” Harry asks in a worried voice. “I’m fine, no need to worry it was just a bit cold.” I say with a laugh. The lady grins at us. She slowly moves around the jelly then flicks the screen on. 

Harry lets out a loud gasp. I look over to him and can’t help but suppress a grin and laugh. His face was priceless. I quickly take out my phone snapping a quick picture of it. That would be going on twitter later.

I look up at the monitor. The baby has gotten so big, so beautiful. The tears start coming again. The technician looks to me. “Exciting isn’t it?” she says with a helpful grin. I nod my head. Harry was still in shock watching our love bump move around on the monitor. “Would you like to know the sex of the baby?” she asks. He snaps out of it right away, looking at me with hopeful eyes that I would say yes.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now