If I'm Louder Life Updates: Graduation Day

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“I can’t believe it. They all grew up so fast.” I blubber in Harry’s embrace. Today was Karrissa’s graduation day. In just a few more months Darcy will be getting married to Kyle, the young man she’s been going strong with for about five years now. Aiden came home from college for his little sister’s graduation but he will be going back to finish up the year on Tuesday of next week.

I can’t take it. I don’t want my babies to leave just yet. Harry can tell that, I’ve been crying about it just about every day this week, knowing that they are finally growing up and moving out. “It’s okay love.” he says rubbing my back too sooth me.

We stand up from the side of the bed to finish getting ready for tonight. I head into the bathroom and pull on my dress then my heels. I finish the outfit with a infinity necklace that Harry gave me for our anniversary and then place my wedding ring back on my finger.

I emerge from the bathroom to find Harry dressed in black slacks a white shirt and a black blazer. He looked so handsome for being 44 now. His eyes linger on me. “You look absolutely stunning BriBri.” he says with a warm smile. I walk over and help him with his tie.

“Same goes for you Hazza.” I say pushing his tie to the right spot. He leans down and kisses me lightly. That’s one thing that I still haven’t gotten use to over the past 25 years of us being together, the kisses are still as breathtaking as the first kiss we shared.

“Mum? I have to go soon.” Karrissa says walking into mine and Harry’s bedroom. She looked beautiful dressed in her tan dress with her graduation gown over it. Harry slips on his shoes then we head out to the car.

We pull into the school parking lot and see the rest of the boys with their children waiting for us. Darcy and Aiden were already here talking with everyone else near the boys. Kaylie waved for Karrissa. The girls looked lovely. Karrissa runs up to meet her and Hunter, Liam and Danielle’s oldest son who was a year younger than Kaylie and Karrissa.

“She fancies him!” Harry whispers in my ear. “Harry don’t act so surprised. I’ve known that for a while. She’s young and in love like we were.” I say smirking. “But she’s my baby!” he yell whispers. “They grow up fast hun.” I say kissing his cheek. I lock our fingers together then lead him to our group of children and friends.

We talk with them for a few minutes before heading into the gym to find somewhere to sit. Soon enough the students who are graduating come in and take their seats. They go through many people’s speeches then begin calling names to hand out the diplomas. It seems like ages before they get to the ‘S’s.

“Karrissa Styles” they call. Everyone in our row gets up and cheers loudly for her like we said we were going to. She turns away from us embarrassed. We all sit back down. I glance at Harry and see him wiping away tears. “Don’t cry Hazz.” I say kissing a tear away from his cheek. He has been the strong one about this the whole week comforting me when i was the one who cried. He wraps his arms around me in a warm hug. “I love you so much Brianna.” he whispers into my temple.

“Kaylie Tomlinson” We all stand up again cheering for her. Louis goes a bit overboard like normal. “That’s my baby girl!!” He yells as she reaches the stage. Her face was beet red, I look over and see Lucas laughing at his older sister. “You just wait Luke, I’ll get your dad to embarrass you even worst that what they did to her when you graduate.” I tell him. He looks at me and stops laughing with a very serious face. He knew it would happen.


Karrissa and Logan ran off together during her’s and Kaylie’s graduation party. I know where they went but Harry didn’t need to know that. “Where’d she go?” He kept asking. “I dunno Harry. She’s around.” I say smirking. He looks around. “Where is he?” he says through his teeth. “Who?” I ask with a chuckle. “You know damn who I’m talking about.” He says searching for them.

“There he is.” Harry says walking over to our daughter and Liam’s son. “Harry don’t you dare.” I say catching the back of his blazer and pulling him into my chest. “She’s happy, leave her be!” I say smiling at our beautiful daughter. Harry heaves a sigh as he buries his face in my neck. “You are the reason why I’m still sane.” He mumbles. “I know Hazza, I know.”

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now