chapter 15

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My mum looks at me with watchful eyes. “OH MY GOD!” I say with sudden realization. “It’s okay Brianna.” my mum says trying to calm me down from the news I had just received. “How-how did I not notice!?” i say as my eyes welt up with tears threatening to spill over any second. “It’s more common than you think.” the doctor says trying to comfort me.”But nothing has even changed at all!” i say, looking back at the last few months. “How could I not have noticed after the first month?” I say freaking out. “It’s very common for people not to notice at first. It’s a good thing that we found out when we did.” Dr. Walker says. The doctor talks to my mum and I for a bit more, telling us how my condition was with the gun shot wound. She proceeds to tell me that she would be in with more information for me later on that day.

“What am I going to do?” i say out loud. “That is your decision hunny. I promise to be there for you with what ever decision you make, I will support you with any choice.” my mum says in a understanding voice. She moves a piece of hair from my face. “How am I going to explain this to Harry?!” I ask suddenly. “I’m sure he will understand dear.” she says just as he walks into the room. “Explain what to me?” he says, a bit worried. “I’m going to leave you two alone.” my mum announces rising from her seat. She walks by Harry, stopping to whisper something to him. He nods and smiles at her.

The tears begin to welt up in the corners of my eyes again. “What’s wrong Brianna?” Harry asks walking over to my bed. “Lay with me this time?” i ask quietly. He nods as i move over to make room for him. He slips into the spot i made for him then entraps me in his arms, pulling me closer to him. “Why are you crying BriBri?” Harry asks wiping tears that slide down my cheeks. I bury my face in his collar bone. I begin to kiss his neck lightly. “Brianna. I’m serious. Why were you crying?” he asks again, pulling away from me slightly. 

“I don’t want to tell you right now. Right now, Harry, I just want to know that you will love me no matter what.” i say. “Of course I will always love you Brianna, but you are freaking me out right now. Please, tell me?” He asks with curious, pleading eyes. I sit there quietly, not knowing or wanting to answer him.

“please Brianna” he says in a shakily voice. “What did my mum say when she walked out of the room?” I ask suddenly. Harry looks at me confused but replies, “That you love me a lot and I better treat you right and always be there when you need me.” “Harry,” I begin “the doctor came in while you were out with the boys.” I say stopping, not knowing if i could go on. “And?” he say shakily, taking a slow breathe. “She asked me if I knew i was pregnant.” I stumble out of my mouth. I look over at Harry, he was staring at the ceiling not moving at all. “How far along?” he asks suddenly. 

“She said about 3 months according to the charts they took the other day.” i tell him stroking his cheek with my thumb. I see him counting in his head. “It’s yours for sure.” I interrupt him. He looks at me. I nod at him slightly. I hear him let out a long shallow breathe. “I’m sorry.” I say as the tears start sliding down my cheeks faster now. Harry shifts to look at me. “Do not ever be sorry about this Brianna Rae!” He says sternly, looking me intensely in the eyes. He takes my cheeks in his hands and kisses my whole face. Then wraps his arms around me, pulling me even closer to him.

“This is going to ruin your career.” i say as Harry begins to wipe yet another round of tears off my face. “Babe, no. It will be hard at first, but you and the baby come first. The boys with understand that just fine and everyone else will too. If they don’t then those people don’t matter. Like I promised your mum, I will treat you right and i will always be there for you and the baby. Nothing can change that, I promise.” Harry says kissing my cheek over and over.

I breathe in shallowly. “It’s okay BriBri.” Harry tells me smiling. I kiss his cheek lightly. I knew that everything was going to be just fine thanks to him.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now