chapter 38

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Today is Darcy’s six month check-up. She has to get shots. Usually Harry is there to calm her down, but he is in Ireland for a few signings and to visit with Niall’s friend and family there. Which means that I have to take Darcy to the doctor, alone.

“Darc? Where are you?” I call. She learned how to crawl a few weeks ago, ever since then that’s all she’s been doing. I have a feeling that instead of walking one day, she’s just going to stand up and start running. Those are the days i dread, Louis and Harry will be helping her get into all types of mischief then, more than they do now.

I walk to her bedroom. “What are you doing in here all alone?” I ask. She looks up at me, throwing her toy. Then reaches for me. “ahh” she whines wanting up. I pick her up and head to the car, grabbing the diaper bag on the way out.


We are in the waiting room when I notice a girl with a magazine that looks to have Harry on the cover. I turn, watching Darcy play with her stuffed carrot. That thing was her favorite toy, never leaves her sigh. My eye catches the cover of the magazine again. Harry and some girl? “Darcy Styles?” a nurse calls before I had time to process. The girl who was reading the magazine looks up. “Darcy Styles, as in Harry’s baby?” She asks as I pass with Darcy in my arms.

I nod, smiling at her. “Oh my gosh! She’s so adorable in person! Can i please get a quick picture?” she asks sweetly. I look to the nurse. We’ve been through this before, almost every time she calls Darcy’s name actually. She nods slightly, walking back into the room. “Sure.” I say. The young girl takes a picture with me and Darcy, then I walk off to the nurse.

“How do you never get tired of that?” the nurses ask. “I dunno. It’s just something that I find sweet about it.” I say smiling. “How are you Darcy?”  Tabitha, our nurse asks smiling at my baby girl. She squirms in my arms, shrieking with delight trying to get to the nurse. She absolutely adored Tabitha, and Tabitha loved her. I hand her over to Tabitha to get her new height and weight.

“Growing like a weed aren’t we?” Tabitha exclaims. Darcy ignores her, chewing on her carrot. We head into a small room to wait for the doctor.

After the doctor is done she sends us to get the shots. We sit in a smaller room waiting for Tabitha to come back with another nurse. “Ready?” the ask walking in. “I am, but I don’t think she’s gonna take it too well.” I say. I hold Darcy in my lap, bouncing her to keep her calm while they get the two shots ready. Tabitha holds her carrot out in front of her while the other nurse pricks her with the needle.

She was so into the carrot that she didn’t notice the first shot which surprised me. “One more. Doing great.” the nurse says placing a Toy Story band-aid on the tiny hole. We do the same thing. But this time she feels the needle. Soon enough the tears start, but she doesn’t cry out. Just tears. “It’s okay baby.” I say pulling her to my chest. The nurse puts on another band-aid. “Do you want to pick out a toy for being so good Darcy?” Tabitha asks. She picks out a small stuffed cat.  We wave goodbye then head out.

I see the magazine laying on the coffee table in the waiting room. Peering at it more closely, I see that it is indeed Harry. With a girl. Kissing her. On the lips. I don’t even know how people even call that kissing, because to me, that was full blown face sucking off snogging. I rush out of the hospital with Darcy held tight in my arms, trying to hold the tears back until I got to the sanctuary of my own car. “He promised.” I whisper letting the tears come down now that I was safe from people seeing.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now