chapter 18

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*This chapter is a bit different from my normal ones, a little further in this chapter it was inspired by a song. “Wanted” by Hunter Hayes, it would be great for you to listen to the song when i bring it up in the story to get what Brianna and Harry are describing. (: hope you guys are liking the story so far! much love. xxx*

The words just sort of tumble out of my mouth. All the boys with the exception of Louis look at Harry and I with startling expressions. “Come again?” Liam says surprised, shaking his head as if trying to fathom what I had just announced to the boys. Harry says it again with a beautiful smile upon his lips. Louis lets out a groan. Harry’s eyes flick to the boy, now curled in a ball not facing us. 

Harry walks over to where Louis was laying and plops down beside him. Louis lifts his head to gaze at him. I see Harry lean down, lips moving near Louis’s ears whispering something for only the two of them to hear. Louis chuckles lightly, smirking. He looks at me intently, then smiles. Harry stands back up, walking over to me. “We’ll be back in a little bit.” Harry says with a wave of his hand.

As soon as the door closes behind us the boys erupt in loudness. They were talking about Harry and I for sure. Harry just looks at me and grins cheekily. “What are you planning?” I ask questioningly. “Just follow me.” he says grabbing my hand. He tugs me down the hallways, leading me somewhere.

“Close your eyes.” he whispers, coming closer to me. I do as he says, he places his hands on my hips helping me in the right direction. “No peeking!” he says as i open my eye slightly. I express a giggle. We move a few more meters. “Okay, you can open them now.” Harry says releasing his grip on my hips.

I was standing on the roof of the hotel. The whole place was covered in red and white rose petals, with a small table directly in the middle of them. There was a candle lit dinner waiting for someone to take a seat. I couldn’t stop smiling. “How did you do this all?!” i say turning back to him. “Louis.” He says grinning.

“How!” i say hugging him tightly. “Well I told him that you were getting out today and it’s the anniversary of our friendship so I wanted to do something special for you. He offered to help me set this up while your mum and I came to the hospital. Your mum, being the amazing cook that she is agreed to make us some food. That’s why she disappeared when we got here.” Harry explains to me.

“Harry, it’s wonderful!” I say tearing up. “Hey now BriBri! Don’t cry, you will make me cry!” he says laughing lightly as he wipes a tear from my cheek. “They are happy tears.” I say smiling through them. “Your mum is still finishing food, so maybe while we are waiting you wouldn’t mind dancing?” Harry says a bit shy which was highly unlike him. I smile and take his hand. “Of course Mr. Styles.” I say as he pulls me close.

We start slow dancing, then out of no where music starts playing. Hunter Hayes’s voice poured into the air, Harry looks down at me smiling as he begins to hum along.

You know i’d fall apart without you

I don’t know how you do what you do

‘Cause everything that don’t make sense about me

He leans down kissing me gently.

Makes sense when I’m with you

“Everything babe.” He whispers in my ear as the song goes on. I couldn’t stop smiling. He was the most sweetest person, I wanted to stay in his arms like this forever without a single care in the world. 

‘Cause I wanna wrap you up

Wanna kiss your lips

I wanna make you feel wanted

And I wanna call you mine

“Forever” i whisper to him quietly as he begins to sing along instead of hum the verses.

Wanna hold you hand forever

Tonight was perfect. With the help of Louis and my mum, Harry made this the best night of my life. He continued to sing to me, even when the music slowly died down just kept singing ‘Wanted.’

Anyone can tell you you’re pretty

You get that all the time, I know you do

But your beauty’s deeper than the makeup

And I wanna show you what I see tonight

He sings to me, smiling the most beautiful smile in the whole world, where his eyes sparkle like the moon on a lake in the middle of a warm summer night, where you can genuinely feel the happiness pouring off of him. It was the best thing this world has ever saw. “You are so beautiful Brianna. It’s truly breathtaking.” he says touching his lips to mine. “You are the most amazing, wonderful, brilliant person that I have ever met, Harry Styles. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have you.” I say swaying as we continue to dance in circles.


I crawl into the bed next to a snoring Harry, trying not to wake him. He stirs slightly, rolling over and grabbing my waist. “I love you.” he whispers in my ear quietly. “Love you too.” I say kissing his cheek. He slowly opens his sleep filled eyes, peering at me with a mischievous smile slowly spreading across his lips. “How are you feeling?” he asks curiously. “Okay” I say with a slight sigh.

“What’s wrong?” he asks searching my face with worried eyes. “Just cold.” I tell him as a shiver passes down my spine. He pulls me even closer to him until there is no space left between us. “Better?” he asks resting his chin on the top of my head. “Much.” I say smiling into the dip of his neck. I kiss his neck until I hear his light snoring start, then i slowly drift off into a deep sleep there in his arms.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now