chapter 33

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Before I even register what was happening, Louis’s lips are on mine, his hand held tight on my neck holding me against him. At first I tried to pull away from him, but in a matter of seconds my head clears of thoughts and gives in. He deepens the kiss, making me give into his soft, hot lips that fit perfectly over mine.

He is the first to pull away, leaning back and grinning at me wickedly. But I wanted more, I kiss him again, sucking ever so slightly on his lower lip. He pushes me back against the counter, hand making its way up my T-shirt. I kiss his lips harder, a bit more forceful, wanting him to open his mouth. I feel his tongue flick over the tip of mine and trace my lips. 

“Told you that you have feelings for me.” he whispers as he begins to kiss down my neck gently. “Lou?” I breathe. “Hmm?” he mumbles thought kisses. “We need to stop this. This isn’t right to do, especially to Harry.” I say pushing him back a little bit from me. He stands there pondering, as if he has something to tell me but doesn’t. He leaves the room as I grab a soda for myself and one for Harry.

I walk into the other room where the boys are now saying goodbye to Harry. “Where you guys going already?” I ask handing Harry his soda. “Louis isn’t feeling too well and doesn’t wanna get Darcy sick.” Liam explains. I shoot Louis a look knowing that isn’t the reason why he wants to leave. He was looking at me with that look like he wanted to rip my clothes off. It took every ounce of strength I had to not go over and kiss his lips until they bled.


Harry goes to check on Darcy in her crib as I put a movie in after the boys leave. “She’s still sound asleep.” He says climbing onto the couch as I go to the hallway to grab a blanket. He was stretched out on the couch watching the previews when I come back into the room.

Harry pats the center of his chest, signalling for me to lay with him. I pull the blanket over my back, climbing onto of him. I lay belly down on his chest, his arms hung loosely around my midsection. Slowly I feel his hands slide up the hem of my shirt, rubbing my back. I shiver at the cold touch of his hands on my warm skin. I pull my head up from his chest, looking at him. He looks up to meet my eyes and grins cheekily.

I rest my head back on his chest listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat. I must have drifted to sleep because my eyes flicker open to find the movie halfway through and Harry snoring lightly beneath me. I slowly being to peel myself off of his chest, rising to go check on Darcy. 

I walk into her room to find her laying wide awake playing with the carrot Louis gave her the week that we brought her home from the hospital. I peer down at her from the top of the crib. Her eyes shift from the carrot to me.

My arms slip around her tiny body, pulling it close to my chest. I bring Darcy over to the changing table to change her nappy. She whimpers just a little bit, but when I hold her in my arms again she stops. “Will you eat for me if I try to feed you?” I ask her heading for the kitchen.

I grab a bottle and proceed to warm it for her. After its the right temperature I bring it to her lips, wondering if I will need to wake Harry to feed her. She doesn’t eat for me, like normal. I sigh getting ready to go wake Harry when she starts fussing over me not being able to feed her.

Slowly I begin to bounce my weight to try to calm her like my mum did with my little brother when he got fussy. Instantly she stops fussing. I try the bottle again, but she won’t take it.

“Try singing to her.” Harry suggests materializing in the door. Both Darcy and I jump at the sound of his voice. He looks at us and laughs. “I sing what ever song is stuck in my head at the time.” he says. I take his suggestion and begin to hum a random song off the top of my head. 

The humming turns into lyrics and I find myself singing “She Will Be Loved” lightly to my daughter. I try again and to my amazement she takes the bottle. I look to Harry with astonishment and see him smiling back at me.

——Darcy 4 months——-

I feel so bad for her right now. All she does is cry because her mouth hurts from the teething. She is in love with the turtle that Liam got her when we brought her home. That turtle is always in her mouth. It’s the second tooth so she’s almost use to it but I can’t blame her for crying. Harry keeps having to give her numbing gel for them, but it’s hard to do when he isn’t home and she won’t let me go near her with the stuff. 

“Come on Darcy, if you want your teeth to feel better you have to let mummy put the stuff on them.” i say with a finger full of gel. She just yells at me, shaking her head from side to side. I sigh and she stops screaming, looking at me curiously.

I begin to hum to her, she opens her mouth just enough for me to slip the gel on her teeth. “Thank you.” i say tapping her nose lightly which makes her giggle. “Daddy is gonna be home in a few days.” I say to her as I begin to feed her some cereal. She claps her hands together at the sound of that. “You wanna talk to daddy after you are done eating?” I ask her. She claps again as if responding yes. 

I reach for my phone to text Harry and ask if he wants to do a quick facetime with us before I have to bring Darcy to my mums. He replies that he has a few minutes right now to talk. “Daddy can’t wait for you to get done so I suppose you can talk to him while you are eating.” I say pulling up the facetime on my phone.

I move closer to Darcy in my chair so Harry can see us both while we chat. “Darcy!” he says when the facetime connects. She squeals with delight at the sound of his voice. Harry’s face lights up and he smiles widely. “She seems to be in a better mood.” He says to me. “Yeah, we just had some cereal and she finally let me put the numbing stuff on her teeth.” i say to him.

“Have you been giving mum a hard time Darcy?” Harry asks grinning. She smiles cheekily just like him and claps her hands. He smiles, shaking his head. “When are you guys coming home?” I ask. “Thursday, but mum wants us to go up to Holmes Chapel soon so I was thinking that I could just go there and have you and Darcy meet me there on Thursday?” he asks. “That would be okay with me.” I say nodding. We need to go see Anne soon anyways.

We talk for a few more minutes, Darcy babbling on and on not wanting her daddy to leave. She cries when he has to hang up the chat, but i scoop her up and start bouncing her while humming making her fall asleep right away.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now