chapter 32

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She wakes up crying, my eyes fly open to see what’s the matter. But before I can even get a purchase on her little body, Harry is scooping her up and walking away from the bed. I sit up. “I got it babe. Go back to bed.” he calls from the door. I hear Darcy’s cries distance as Harry’s feet paddle down the hall to the kitchen for a bottle.

I sit in the bed for a few more moments then climb to my feet heading to the kitchen. Harry already had a bottle in hand and was feeding Darcy. He was singing to her again, he loved to sing to our baby girl. She was cooing back at him as she sucked on the bottle. He didn’t even notice that I was standing there watching them until I went over and slipped my arms around his waist.

He jumps just a bit, a chill sliding down his spine. “Sorry.” I whisper. He looks at me tiredly, smiling. “You are suppose to be sleeping.” he says to me. “Well I couldn’t let you have all the fun.” I reply with a grin. “You wanna try to feed her?” he asks looking from Darcy to me. “Sure.” I say holding my arms out for her. He places her in my arms and hands me the bottle.

She was getting fussy and wouldn’t take the bottle. “Come on Darcy, you drank for Daddy, you can do it for mummy too.” i say trying to get her to drink. I try to feed her a few more minutes but she begins to cry. Harry looks at me, laughing at my frustration. He holds out his hands, taking our crying child. As soon as she is in his arms, the crying stops. I hand him the bottle and she drinks for him. My mouth hangs open in a gap. Harry looks up at me and chuckles. 

“I see how it is Darcy. Daddy’s little girl already. After I carried you for almost 9 months.” I say with a chuckle, stroking her silky hair. Harry was grinning from cheek to cheek. “Stop your smirking.” I say to him. “Can’t help that she’s already a Daddy’s girl.” he say sticking out his tongue.

I laugh, but my laugh fades. Harry catches my change in mood. “What’s wrong?”  he asks. “She’s already daddy’s girl, how are we all going to deal with you having to leave all the time for a long time now?” I ask suddenly. He stares at me in deep thought. “We’ll make this work. I promise Brianna. You and Darcy will always be my first priority.” he says truthfully.


It was a game of pass the baby. A game that Niall was not good at, he liked to hog Darcy. “She’s so precious!” he exclaims. “Yeah, yeah now hand her here Niall! Your time is up.” Louis says reaching for her. Niall gently hands Darcy to Louis. I pluck off the bottle from the coffee table and hand it to Louis. Since Harry was out getting a few things, I made it Louis’s job to feed Darcy because she wouldn’t eat for anyone but him and Harry. It was quite strange.

He gladly takes the bottle, placing it by her mouth delicately. She takes it for him and begins sucking loudly. Lou grins “Just like your uncle Nialler.” he says to her. “What?” Niall asks. Louis looks towards him and replies “She is a loud eater like you.” We all start chuckling. “She likes food just like him too.” Harry adds as he walks through the front door.

“Hey babe. How’d everything go?” I ask as Harry takes a seat beside me on the floor. “Good.” he replies with a smile and a kiss. He looks back to Louis and Darcy. “So she eats for everyone that isn’t Bri?” Harry asks laughing. Louis looks up at me and giggles too. “Shush it.” I say playfully hitting Harry. He gets a mischievous look on his face.

“Tickle attack!” he says loudly as his fingers begin to prob me. Louis must have handed Zayn Darcy because within seconds he was also attacking me. “STOP!” I say between laughing. “Say it!” Harry and Louis say in union. “Say what?” I ask. “That Louis and Harry are the most attractive males you have ever saw.” Louis says. I zip my lips. The tickling continues. I was about to wee my pants. “FINE! Harry and Louis are the most attractive males I have ever saw.” I squeak. They both stop tickling me.

Harry smirking, leans in and kisses my lips. Before he could pull away I bite his lip just a tiny bit. “Ouch!” he says, hand automatically going to his lip to check for blood. There wasn’t any so he leans in to kiss me again, this time when he leans in he grabs a hold of my lower lip nibbling on it slightly. His tongue flicked over my lips. I slowly open my mouth inviting him in. My hand slips around his neck, his hand on my chin.

“Get a room!” The boys say in unison. Harry and I pull away from each other. “Shut up.” Harry says not looking away from me. I wanted more and so did he. 

Darcy starts fussing in Liam’s lap. “Looks like someone needs a new nappy.” Harry says standing up to retrieve her. He shuffles off to the other room to change her. I look up and see Louis staring at me. “What?” I ask self consciously. “Nothing.” He says with a strange look on his face. I shrug then get up to get my phone. “Wanna get some pizzas?” I ask.


“I put Darcy down for a nap.” Harry says walking back into the room just as the pizza arrived. I nod then pat a space beside me for him to sit. He steals a slice of pizza then walks over and plops down beside me. Taking a bite of nothing but sauce on his pizza, Harry grins at me. I wipe the little bit of sauce that was in the corner of his mouth with my finger, holding towards his face to lick it off so I wouldn’t have to. But Louis somehow manages to lick it clean off my finger before Harry could even register what was happening.

I look at Louis astonished. He just grins at me cheekily. Harry shrugs the strange move off, continuing to talk with the boys about random things. “Lou?” I ask. “Hmm?” he mumbles. “Can I talk to you alone in the kitchen?” I say to him. He nods then stands up following me into the other room.

“What was that about?” I ask. “I dunno.” he says with a mischievous smile. “You know that we are just friends.” I state. “Yeah I know that. I was just hoping that maybe, just maybe I could change that.” he says taking my hands in his. I don’t pull away like I should. “Lou. I’m with Harry. I love him.” I say to him. “I know that too. But I can also see t

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now