chapter 44

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“Brianna! Wake up! Harry is in the hospital.” Louis screams as he flings open my bedroom door. I jump out of bed not knowing what’s going on. “What the fuck Lou?” I yell tiredly. “Harry is in the hospital, I don’t know what happened. We are leaving right now after you get your shit packed. Anne can’t make the trip with us she is already getting Darcy to take her home with her. Now get your shit together!” Louis says frantically.

That gets me moving. I grab my duffel bag and throw what clothes I can into it. Then grab my other things that I would need for sure. Louis was watching me the whole time, throwing in a few things every now and then.

“How bad is he?” I ask quietly. “Bad. He has surgery tomorrow. But they don’t know if he’ll make it til then.” Louis says. I start to tear up. “Please don’t take him. Not now.” I whisper under my breathe. We head downstairs.

Anne wraps me in a hug. “Take care of him for me please.” She says almost in tears. I nod as my tears begin to overflow. “Take care of Darcy for us.” I whisper as we pull away from hugging. She nods back to me.

Darcy looked like she was going to fall asleep any minute. “Be good for Grams. I’ll miss you hunny.” I tell the sleepy girl kissing her forehead. She looks up at me and sees the tears.

“No cry mummy.” She says placing her hand on my cheek. Her eyes begin to wrote with tears too. Even though she had no idea what was going on, she knew I was hurting and had to leave. I nod to her smiling. “That goes for you too Darcy. No cry sweetheart.” I say wiping away the lone tear on her cheek.

The other boys were already on their way to the airport. Louis takes my bag loading it into the private car that brought him. I climb in. My tears had dried up for now but I could feel they were going to come back any time now.

Louis climbs in the back and the car takes off. “You okay?” Lou asks. I shake my head no. I wasn’t okay. I was beyond okay.

A little over a year ago I started dating my friend, not only a friend but my best friend from my childhood. Ever since then my life has been hectic. Some of it was a good addition to my life, like Darcy. But then there was the bad additions like the heart break Harry gave me.

“Everything has gotten so different since Harry and I started dating. I don’t even know what to do anymore. I don’t know if I can trust him after the cheating. But I don’t want to lose him.” I say.

“That’s your choice to make, whether you get back together with him or go your own ways. I understand what you are saying thought. Couples fight, there is never going to be a perfect couple.” Louis says.

The car stops. We were at the airport already. Louis and I climb out and head to the plane.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now