chapter 17

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My mum and Harry came to my hospital room around 9:30am. I was slowly beginning to wake myself up when I saw Harry stride into the room. He wore a smile like no other, today was finally the day I was getting out of this place. My mom handed me a bag of clothes that i asked for.  “Thank you.” I tell her smiling. I was quite excited to finally leave the hospital and see the boys. “The nurse will be in momentarily to take the IVs out, but she said that you can get dressed now. I’ll wait out in the hallway.” My mum says walking out of the room. “I’ll go wait with her.” Harry says beginning to walk out the door.

“Wait!” i say as he turns on his heels. He looks back at me, smirking a bit. “I might need help.” i say, pouting just a bit. He walks over to my bed. I swing my legs off the bed and rise slowly. Harry unbuttons the sleeves and back of my hospital gown then carefully pulls it away from my body. Instead of pulling the dress over my head, Harry holds it near my feet so I could step into it without hurting my stitches. I turn and he ties the strings at the base of my neck. I slowly sit back down on the bed, Harry sits with me.

“How you feeling?” he asks taking my hand. “I feel great actually.” i reply smiling up at him. We look to the door to find one of my nurses. “I came to check you out of the hospital.” she says with a warm, caring smile. We go through a bit of paperwork then she begins to take apart the IV bags. Harry subconsciously draws figure eights on my hand as the nurse carefully takes the IV needles out of my hand. 

I suck in air quickly as she takes the last one out. “I’m sorry i didn’t mean to hurt you.” she says quickly. Harry was looking at me with worried eyes. “Oh no you didn’t it just felt a little strange.” i say rubbing the tiny hole now cover in a blue bandage. She redoes the dressings on my shoulder, then we finish up the last of the paperwork.”Looks like you are free to go!” She says filing the paperwork away. “Thank you for being such a great patient.” She says with a smile.

My mum rises from her seat and begins to lead the way down the hallway. Harry looks at me with a mischievous smile as he scoops me up and has me stand on a bench. “Climb on.” he says turning around for a piggy back ride. I couldn’t help but smile, he knew how much I loved piggy back rides.

We make it to the front doors, my mum holds open the door for Harry and I as he carries me out. Instantly we are surrounded by the boys’ fans. Harry stops, not knowing what to do. The fans were holding flowers and stuffed animals. One girl walks up to Harry and I, thrusting out her hand with a card. I pluck it from her hands and see that it’s a get well card. “Awwh! Thank you love!” i say smiling widely. The card was for me. “You’re welcome! Hope you feel better soon Brianna!” she says moving back into the small crowd. Harry slowly puts me back on the ground as i feel my mum’s hand brush my back, keeping me calm.

More fans come forward and give me things, they smile wildly at Harry. It was cute, he couldn’t stop grinning at the fans. I thanked each and every one of the fans that was there, Harry and I gave them all hugs. My mum even was asked to get pictures taken with. She was a bit confused at first but continued to take photos with people who asked. Finally after getting about 10 new stuffed animals, 15 bundles of different types of flowers and a whole bunch of get well cards, we were on our way back to Harry’s hotel room.


We pulled into the back of the hotel, Harry and I ran to the building with my mum following not far behind. I was so excited to see the boys again, Harry had yet to tell them that I was getting out today so it was going to surprise the shit out of them when I walked through the door. We climbed into the elevator and Harry pushed the floor number. “It’s not moving fast enough!!!” I yell laughing. “Babe settle down!” Harry says laughing as he wraps his arms around me from behind. The other people in the elevator were staring at us. Harry kept whispering to me to make me settle down.

Finally the elevator clicked to the boys level and i booked it out of there, Harry hardly had time to react. He quickly followed behind me as I ran down the hallway to Liam’s room where I knew all the boys would be. I look to Harry and hold a finger against my lips signaling him to be quiet then I knock on the door. “House keeping!” i say with a slight spanish accent then look at Harry smirking. No one comes so i try again. “House keepinggggg!” i yell.

“No one ordered house keeping.” I hear one of them yell back, Zayn. “House keeping?” i say trying so hard not to laugh. I hear the floor boards creak and the door knob start to turn. “I said no one- OH MY GOD BRI!!!!!” Zayn says finding me behind the door. His face lights up like a little kid’s on christmas day. I smile at him. He quickly pulls me into a bone crushing hug. “OW!” I say as he accidentally squeezes me too hard. Harry quickly pulls me away scanning my face worried. “Hazz I’m fine!” i say with a chuckle. “I’m sorry i didn’t mean to…” Zayn says looking down. “No. no its alright” I say as the other 3 boys come to investigate.

“BRIANNA!!!” Niall yells flinging himself on me in a hug. He pulls away gazing at me, “Missed you so much mate! Oh god I’m so happy you are okay!” he says hugging me again. Liam pulls Niall off then pulls me in for a hug. “Glad you are okay Bri.” he whispers in my ear. Louis was last to give me a hug.

He looks a bit down. I turn to whisper in his ear when he hugs me. “What’s wrong Lou?” i say. He just shakes his head with sorrow filled eyes not wanting to talk right now. “If you need to talk, you know where I’ll be.” I say hugging him again. He nods and walks into the room again. I have never saw Louis that quiet before, something was defiantly wrong. The boys walk into Liam’s room again, Niall pulling me along. I grab Harry’s wrist and tow him in also. My mum must have went to find some food or to her room i think to myself. 

Zayn and Liam fall to the bed as Niall takes a seat on the couch. Louis was curled into a ball on the floor. Harry walks over and puts his arm around my waist pulling me closer. He looks at me and I know its time to tell the boys the big news. They all look up at Harry and I, with the exception of Louis, I needed to find out what was wrong with him. I take a deep breath and begin.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now