chapter 22

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Today was the last full day the boys and I were going to be in the US for the tour. They were flying to Aussie in the morning, as I would be going home to London with my mum tomorrow also. Today also happened to be my first check-up for the baby since we found out about the little being inside me.

Most girls on their 13th week of being pregnant are showing a significant baby bump, but unlike most girls I, on the other hand, have a very tiny, hardly-noticeable-unless-you-squint, lump. Harry calls it our “love bump.” When he does i can’t help but giggle and smile at his cute ways. 

Because the boys were leaving tomorrow, they didn’t get today off. Meaning that they had many interviews to get through and Harry wouldn’t be able to make it to the appointment no matter how hard he tried. He even begged management to the extent where he almost had to tell them what was going on. We have yet to tell them that Harry and I are having a child.

I pull on a pair of sweats, a tank top, and one of Harry’s hoodies. Then slip on a pair of TOMs and head off to find Harry before I had to leave.

I find him laying on the floor in Lou’s room. He sits up on his elbows looking at me intently as I walk over to him and sit down beside him. He leans over, kissing my lips lightly. “What time do you leave?” he asks pulling away. “About 10 minutes. Maybe earlier.” I say leaning back on his tummy, stretching.

I couldn’t help but notice Louis staring at me intently. He had some type of look in his eyes but I couldn’t figure out what. He finally started acting like regular Louis a few days ago, but he still kept watching me with strange eyes. I couldn’t tell if it was because I was pregnant, or if it was because he finally told me that he loved me. He climbs off the couch and shuffles into the bathroom.

Someone knocks on the door. “There’s my mum.” I say getting ready to stand up. Harry quickly gets up and takes my hand, pulling me up from the floor to his arms. “I’m sorry I can’t go with you BriBri.” He says with a sincere apologetic look in his eyes. “I know babe. I’ll be sure to tell you everything that happens.” I say with a smile. He grins wildly at me. “Good luck.” he whispers in my ear. I lean in and kiss him.

The rest of the boys yell encouraging words as my mum and I walk out the door. I must admit, i was a whirl-pool of emotions right now. Happy. excited. nervous. anxious. Those were just the main ones.


“Brianna?” a nurse calls. I rise off my chair, heading toward her. “Do you want me to come with?” my mum asks as i walk away from her. I stop abruptly, turning to look at her. “Yes! I wouldn’t want you to miss this for the world mum.” I say smiling to her, waiting for her to catch up. The nurse nods to us and smiles.

“Can you step onto the scale?” she asks. I step on and wait for the reading. She writes the number down then leads us to a small room. “Just going to go through a round of questions.” she says typing rapidly on the computer in front of her. “Okay” I nod.

“First we will take your vitals.” she says pulling out a blood pressure cuff and placing it around my arm. The cuff tightens, squeezing my arm tightly then finally it releases the air. “Blood pressure is good. Now pulse.” she says to herself taking my wrist in her hand and finding a pulse. “Looks good. Do you know when your last menstrual was?” she asks as she types more information into the computer.

“About 3 and a half months ago.” I answer. “Any history of abortions or miscarriages?” she asks. “Nope” I say. “Last hospitalization?” she asks. “About 2 weeks ago now.” I say. “I had a gun shot wound near my collar bone.” I say when she looks at me a bit puzzled. “You were the girl that was shot at that One Direction concert.” she says with a shocked look on her face. I nod slightly.

“Any medications that you take?” “Nope.” i answer. “Not even pain killers?” she asks looking at me questioningly. “Nope. I didn’t want any. Nor does it hurt much anymore.” i say, rubbing my hand over the now slightly raised imperfection. “Are you allergic to anything?” She asks. “Sulfa drugs.” My mum and I both reply. She quickly types that into the computer.

“History of cancer?” she asks. “Nope.” she asks me more about my families medical history, then says that she will be back with the doctor soon. Soon enough the doctor comes in. “Hello, I’m Dr. Gillbert.” She says shaking both mine and my mum’s hands. “Brianna right?” She asks looking to me. “Yup!” i say with a smile. She has me sit on the little bed looking thing, going through a physical.

“So you are a little over 13 weeks along and for a ballpark estimate are due around the 22nd of December.” She says with a smile. “Gonna be one adorable Christmas present.” She says to us. I couldn’t help but grin widely. Harry was going to love that we were going to have a Christmas baby.We go through more things for the physical. Then finally it was time for the ultrasound, the thing I couldn’t wait for.

The ultrasound technician squeezes cold, clear jelly on my stomach, right below my belly button. She rubs it around with a little tool. “Sorry, its a bit cold.” She says as she turns on a monitor. I look at her, she beings to smile. “There is your little bundle of joy.” She says looking back to my mum and I. I look up at the black and white picture. All I could see was a white blob in the middle of the screen. She points to it. “That is the baby’s head.” she says with a sure smile. That’s when the tears begin. 

I was looking at my baby, the little ‘love bump’ growing inside me. If only Harry was here with me, looking at our beautiful child for the first time with me. I couldn’t stop the tears. “Oh hunny it’s okay.” my mum says taking my hand. “Happy tears mum.” I say to her as she leans down and hugs me. The technician smiles widely at us. “Would you like me to print out the picture?” She asks. “Yes please!” I tell her. I was beyond excited to show Harry just what our little love bump was growing into.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now