chapter 23

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I heard the door click closed, then feel the bed shift. Harry was back. I roll over, meeting his eyes. “Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you.” He says wrapping me up in his arms. “You didn’t, I was awake.” I say leaning my head against his arm. “How’d it go?” he asks peering at me from under his curls. “Good! You wanna see pictures?!” I ask excitedly. “Of what…?” He asks a bit awkwardly. I burst out laughing. “Of the ultrasound Harry!” “Oh! yeah, yeah of course!” he says embarrassed.

I climb off the bed to grab the pictures off the table, then bring them to the bed with me. Harry sits up, leaning against the headboard. I climb onto the bed with him and he pulls me over to himself, fitting me into the curve of his side. I hold up the first image that I got to see today. He looks at it intently. “This,” I say pointing to the white blob. “Is the baby’s head.” I tilt my head up to look at him, smiling.

He looks at me, eyes shining with an emotion that i have never saw in him before. “T-That’s our little love bump?” He asks. I nod. “So beautiful.” he whispers. I flip to the next picture. “Those are the baby’s feet.” I tell him, pointing to the little blobs that resemble feet. He leans down, pulling my hoodie and sweatshirt up off my tummy.

He presses his lips just below my belly button, covering it in light kisses. “Our little love bump.” he whispers over and over. I could tell from that moment on that Harry was going to be a great father. He loved the baby so much, even before it was even here. I could only imagine how much he was going to love the beautiful child when the time arrived for our baby to finally greet the world. Harry begins humming a familiar song. “Harry?” I say giggling. “Yeah love?” He asks, still humming.

“Are you singing ‘Capri’ by Colbie Caillat?” I ask as giggles escape my mouth. “Yeah.” he says with a grin. I tilt my head up and kiss his lips. I found it cute that he was singing that song to me and the baby.


The doctor told me that I was to keep the flight travel at a minimal, meaning that this would most likely be my last flight for a while. I had already said goodbye to Louis, Niall, Zayn and Liam; now was the hardest to say goodbye to, Harry.

“I’ll see you in just 3 short weeks love.” he says a bit sad. “I know. I just…. just… hurry home.” I say lost for words. “You know I will.” he say taking my hands in his. He looks over to my mum, who was now waiting for me. “Take good care of her for me, Siobhan.” he says to her. She smiles, walking over to hug him. “You know I will Harry.” she says. “Love you.” I whisper in his ear as he wraps me in a hug. “Love you too BriBri.” he tells me kissing my cheek.

Then he kneels down, placing his hands on my small bump. “Be nice to your beautiful mum while I’m away.” he whispers to my tummy. I couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of him talking to my stomach. “Don’t forget that I love you too.” he says to the baby, kissing my stomach like he did last night. He stands back up.

“Be careful. Call me if anything happens. I will be home soon. If you need absolutely anything, mum and Gemma said they will help you while I’m gone.” he says taking my cheeks in his hands, pulling my lips to his. “Okay Harry! You are gonna be late for your flight if you keep gawking at me!” I say with a laugh. He kisses me one last time then runs off to his gate as my mum and I walk off to ours.


The cravings have just now kicked it. Let me tell ya, they suck major arse. My mum finds me to be a loon because I keep asking for pickle and peanut butter sandwiches. They sound so gross, but are so good. It’s pretty much all that I’ve been craving lately, those and peanut butter cup cupcakes. I think I just need to sit on the couch watching a sappy movie while eating about 50 containers of peanut butter. I’m 15 weeks along now, finally starting to get a baby bump showing.

Harry has only one week of touring left, then he is home free for a few weeks. He kept asking me to tweet him a picture of my belly, (we finally told management, they took it well.) but we still have yet to tell the fans. He keeps telling me to tweet him the picture, then everyone will just assume that it’s his. But after someone took pictures of him kissing my belly at the airport and leaked them online for all to see, most already assume that Harry is the father.

I have yet to receive death threats on twitter, or anywhere from the fans yet; so Harry and the rest of the boys take that to the fans being okay with me and the baby. I decide that its time for me to finally give in and tweet Harry that picture.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now