chapter 27

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Like every other time I come in for my check-up we go through the motions. Weighing, blood pressure, pulse, waiting, talking about mine and the baby’s health, ultrasound, growing so big, prepping for the actual birth. We say goodbye to the doctor and head out to the car.

Harry and I end up going out to eat, then going back to his house for the night. Like I promised I call my mum and tell her what the doctor said, which was hardly anything besides that the baby is doing fine.


I wake up with pain in the pit of my stomach. Bile rose in my throat, slowly I sit up to make my way to the bathroom before the burger I had earlier today makes it reappearance. I made it just in time, but not quick enough to pull my hair away before puke went it in. After I was satisfied that I was doing throwing up I slowly peel off my clothes, stepping into the shower.

The water trickles down, I look towards my feet. I begin to get dizzy. Slowly I climb out of the shower trying to pull my PJs back on. With much effort I finally get them back on and begin to walk back to the bedroom.

I make it to the doorway. That’s where my breathing begins to get heavy. I slowly ease my way to the floor. “Harry!” I scream as the pain begins. I keep screaming his name again and again. He was there before I even got the second scream out but I couldn’t stop screaming. The pain was getting worse. He pulls me into his lap. “What’s wrong?” he asks frantically.

“Hospital.” I spat out between breaths. He quickly helps me up, going as fast as he could get me to go. The whole way to the hospital he kept having to yell at me to keep me from passing out due to the pain.

We rush into the emergency room. Harry begins yelling at the nurse as I sink into a waiting chair. “She’s pregnant for fuck sakes! Help her!” he yells at the nurse. I have never saw Harry like this. “I’m sorry sir, you will have to wait a few more minutes.” the nurse says calmly. Harry continues to yell at the nurse as I begin to black out again.


I felt his grip tighten on my hand. Slowly my eyes drift open. “Hi.” I say with a dazed smile. “You scared the shit out of me.” Harry says rubbing his thumb over the top of my hand. “I’m sorry.” I say looking at him. His eyes were a bit red and puffy from crying. “What happened?” I ask curiously. “They don’t know for sure. This happens to some people when they are pregnant.” Harry explains. “The baby?” I ask worried. “Just fine.” He says with a nod. “They said if you show no more signs they will release you later today after the doctor comes in.” He says squeezing my hand.

6 weeks later—— 36 weeks pregnant—-

Harry and the crew are doing a tour signing around the UK for two weeks while I stay with my mum until they get back. It’s the last week in November, December is just a few short days away. Mum and I are out doing a bit of Christmas shopping for the boys, the baby, and my family.


We finally get home and I head to my bedroom to wrap up my Christmas presents that I bought for my mother so she wouldn’t see them. She heads into the dining room to wrap up mine.

I finish wrapping the last of my mother’s gifts then begin to work on wrapping Harry’s. My laptop chimes. I get up to see who messaged me.

‘Harry wants to videochat with you!’ the screen says. I click accept. “Hey babe! What’s up?” he says with a bright smile. “Well I was wrapping your Christmas presents until my laptop started making noises.” I say to him. He was on one of the ipads. His hair tasseled from what looked to be just woken up; but that was normal for his hair. His eyes were a light jade looking back at me with a large cheeky grin spread across them.

“What’d you get me!?” he asks excitedly, face lighting up like a little kid’s in a candy shop. “Can’t tell ya!” I say with a wink. “Not fair!” he says laughing. “Sorry” I say sticking my tongue out at him. He laughs at my childish ways. Louis pops up onto the laptop screen beside Harry. “Hello Bri!” he chirps. “Hey Lou! how have you been?” I ask.

“Great! And yourself? How’s the baby doing?” he asks. “We are both doing great.” The rest of the boys also make a appearance on the chat. Harry and I talk for about two hours before he has to go. He promises to call me tomorrow after the signing to check in.


The pain is unbearable, finally I try to sit up and yell for my mum. Within seconds she is rushing into my room. “What’s wrong?” she asks frantically, searching my face with her eyes for answers. I point to my stomach before I double over in pain. Slowly she helps me to my feet. “Did your water break?” she asks as she grabs my bag off the floor. I was soaked, head to toe so I was guessing that would be a yes. “It must have broke while I was sleeping.” I say sitting down to slide down the stairs. The pain was too much for me to try to walk down them so i slid down on my bum very slowly. Mum was following right behind me.

How was I going into labor this early? Well a few weeks early, almost a whole month. Mum rushed out to start the car, then came back in to help me get to it. I climb into the back so I would be able to lay down on the way to the hospital. Mum climbs in and starts driving. “Should I call Harry right now?” I ask as another round of pains begin. “That would be a good idea. He might have enough time to get to the hospital within a few hours.” she says with a nod, keeping her eyes on the road the whole time.

I reach into the bag my mum grabbed, pulling out my phone. I press 2 on speed dial. Ring. Ring. Ring. Oh my god Harry pick up your fucking phone right now. Ring.

“Hello?” a sleepy voice asks. “Hospital. Now.” I say, a bit demanding but it was because of the pain. “Hospital?” he questions. But then realization hits him square in the forehead. “OH MY GOD! YOU’RE IN LABOR RIGHT NOW?!” Harry shreaks in the phone. “No fucking duh Sherlock! Hurry up and get your arse to the hospital!” i yell. The pain was becoming worse.

“I’ll be on the next plane! Don’t have the baby without me!” he says as i hear him roll off the bed. There was a loud thunk. “Fuck!” I hear Harry yell. He must have fell onto the floor. I can’t help but laugh at him. “You better fucking hurry. I want this thing out of me NOW!” I yell. “That bad?” he asks laughing. I must admit, I sound quite bitchy right now. “You want me to shove a watermelon up your penis and then you try to give birth to it? Yeah didn’t think so.” I say. I hear my mum laughing in the front of the car.

She pulls into the hospital parking lot. “Hurry up and get here. I gotta go now, we are at the hospital. But if you aren’t here when the time comes to push I will shove a watermelon up your penis.” I say in a stern voice. I hear him gasp a little bit. “I will be there. Hang tight Brianna. Love you.” he says as the phone clicks off.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now