chapter 42

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The newspapers, internet, anything and everything was booming with mine and Harry’s break-up and the girl I saw him kissing on my front step. Everywhere I went people knew who I was and they asked questions. Every place I went to had things like this: all over in them. It was overwhelming.

We haven’t spoken since the break-up that night, a little less than two weeks ago. Ever since then the world has been talking about Harry’s new girl. The boys have tried to talk to me, I’ve talked to each of them a bit but I can’t for very long because Harry will always make his way into the room and speak, making my breathe catch as another round of tears threatens to spill.

I’ve been dropping Darcy off at Anne’s when she asks so Harry can see her. She talks to me, not like the rest of the world who only asks about the break-up. She asks me how I’m doing and things that make me feel a bit better.


“Darcy? Wanna go see Uncle Niall and Uncle Louis?.” I call to her. She comes walking into the kitchen. “Dada?” she questions. “If he’s there you can go with me I suppose.” I say with a sigh as I scoop her up to take her out to the car.

We pull next to Louis’s flat, Harry’s car was here. Great. This is going to be the first time that I’ve saw him since the break-up. I unbuckle my seat belt then climb out to get Darcy.

She babbles away as we head up to the door. I reach up to knock, but the door begins to open and out steps a blonde girl. “Hello.” she says smiling at me. “Hi.” I say quietly. “Darcy!” the blonde exclaims looking at my daughter who was now reaching towards the blonde. She was the girl, the one I saw kissing Harry. Harry had let her be around my daughter!

She reaches to take my daughter from my hands. “Excuse me?” I question stepping back so she couldn’t reach her. “Oh come on Bri. Lighten up, Abby is a sweet girl.” Harry says materializing in the door way.

“Lighten up? Lighten up. Wow you are an ignorant bastard Harry Styles. Seriously, telling me to lighten up after you cheat on me with Ms. Barbie over here.” I say pushing aside Ken and Barbie to go into Louis’s flat. “Love you too Brianna.” He say to me with a smirk.

“Fuck you Harry!” i call back. “We both did.” Barbie says smirking wildly. I turn on my heel to face the fucked up girl. By now we had an audience, the boys were in the hallway, and since the door was still ajar there were paps outside listening to the whole spew. “Louis. Take Darcy.” I say thrusting the child toward the amused lad.

He does what he’s told, holding Darcy tightly as he leaves the room with her. The rest stay in the room, testing the atmosphere; knowing shit was about to hit the fan.

“What did you say?” I snort through my teeth. “I said, We both have fucked Harry.” She says smirking. Harry looked real worried, he was the only one in the room without an amused look on his face. She turns towards Harry. “Babe, I now know why you cheated on her. She’s so… cliché.” 

That set me off. Before I knew what was happening, I was on top of Barbie. “CAT FIGHT!” Zayn calls. Biting, scratching, punching, slapping, kicking, hair pulling, the whole nine yards. Harry pulled us apart, but not before I got a few good punches in. I came out with a few scratches on my arms, a couple teeth marks and a sore fist; while on the other hand Ms. Barbie bitch who can’t fight worth shit came out with what I think is a broken nose due to the angle, a black eye from the broken nose, some pretty good scratches and a beautiful blue and black lip.

As Harry pulled us apart my teeth gripped his arm, biting hard. He was pulling us apart by our hair so I figured after all the shit he had put me through plus the hair pulling that being bit was only a drop of what he really needed.

“You fucking psycho bitch!” Barbie calls wiping the blood oozing from her nose. “You want another black eye to match the first? If not I would keep your damn mouth shut.” Harry snaps. “And you! What the fuck?” he says pointing to me. “She deserved everything that Bri gave her.” Niall says in my defense. “You know what? Fuck you all.” Harry says grabbing the girl and pulling her to the car. 

“What’d I miss?” Louis asks. He must have laid Darcy down for a nap. “I caught it all on film for you mate.” Zayn says with a smirk. I look at him with daggers. “Sorry. I’ll delete it.” He says looking to the floor. “Not yet! I wanna see it.” I say smirking. The boys lighten up, and so do I.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now