Chapter 8

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Niall, dressed up to where people wouldn’t notice who he was got through the crowd of teenage girls just fine, towing me behind him with his hand. Then one girl shouted my name, by my mistake i let go of Nialler’s hand. I turn looking to find the girl who was shouting my name, but find girls pushing forward trying to reach me. At first I thought they knew it was Niall, but after his hand left mine he ran inside to be protected from the sea of teenage girls, chicken.

The girls start shoving books and markers in my face. I didn’t know what to do, i just stood there dumbfounded. How did they know my name or who I was? i wondered, but then I remember that Harry had talked about me on the X-factor a lot. A little girl about 8 years old shoves her way through the crowd of rambunctious girls. “Can I pleaseeee get a picture with you, Brianna?” She says looking up at me with puppy dog eyes. I couldn’t resist the look, i smiled and nodded at her. “Sure!” I say with a laugh, then knelt down next to her for a picture.

As I stand up right I look for Niall in his hoodie inside, but don’t find him. That little dick! i whisper under my breath. What am i suppose to do now? I wonder. I didn’t have a problem meeting the boys’ fans, they were all very sweet people so far. I took pictures with everyone who asked and signed to those who wanted a autograph from me even though I wasn’t famous and had no idea why they they would want my autograph. I stood outside for while, thinking Niall was going to come out and get me so we could go see Harry. But he doesn’t, he was probably eating again so I decide to talk with a few of the fans around my age that were waiting.

I found three girls who were mine and Harry’s age and talked to them for a while. We talked about what Harry was like when he was a little kid and what its like to have him as a best friend. They were very sweet girls and super nice. All of the fans that I met today were extremely nice to me. A girl from inside comes running out saying that Harry, Niall and Louis were coming out in a few minutes. The three girls asked me if I wanted to surprise Harry. I, of course, agreed then texted Louis what we were planning so he knew what was going on.

Niall, Harry and Louis come out of the hotel smiling and laughing. The three girls and I pushed our way to the front where the boys were. Harry had no clue that it was me under the baseball cap, One Direction sweatshirt and ray band sunglasses that the girls let me borrow. Louis walked over to me and took a few silly pictures with me then winked as he walked on to sign for more fans. Harry finally got to me.

He looked at me curiously from behind his matching ray bands, but kept signing. I ignored him, looking over at Louis smiling. Louis kept glancing at me charmingly. “He has a girlfriend you know.” Harry says quietly. I look at him and smile, he was getting jealous that he wasn’t getting the attention. “Oh does he now?” I say trying to pull off a southern accent that didn’t turn out so well. Harry looks at me confused. I smile at him cheekily, then lean forward and kiss him. At first I feel him tense up, not knowing what to do; but then he comes to and remembers the way my lips felt on his and kisses me back. He pulls back, looks at me, then slowly pulls the ray bands and hat off my head.

“BRI!!” Harry yells excitedly. He pulls me in for a hug. “Miss you so fucking much BriBri.” he whispers in my ear. I take a hold of his hand and lead him to the next fan, who was the first little girl to ask me for a picture. I smile down at her then look at Harry. “This is Jenna, Harry. She is absolutely in love with you and Nialler.” I say beaming at the little girl. All she could do was smile and hand Harry her pad of paper, shakily.  He writes her a sweet note then hands it back to her, smiling cheekily.

She reads the note, then looks up at him. I could see the tears forming in that 8 year olds eyes, what he wrote to her would be the center of her life now. Harry leans down and hugs her tightly, then kisses her forehead. She gets a huge smile on her face then looks at me. “I love you Brianna! Thank you so much for making my dream of meet Harry come true!” she says wrapping her arms around me. She turns to Harry, he kneels down to hear what she has to say. She whispers something and he nods, smiling and looking up at me. She finishes, kisses him on the cheek then runs off to find her parents.

I talk with a few other fans as Harry meets the rest of the fans waiting. I manage to find the three girls from before and we exchange numbers, hoping to keep in touch with each other. Before I knew it, the boys were done signing and ready to head back to the room. Harry walks over to me, grabs my side and pulls me into the shallow grove of his side protectively as we walk through the lobby. 

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora