chapter 3:

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Louis pops his head in “You guys alive?” he says with a laugh. “LOUIS!” I yell jumping off my bed and running to hug him. “Good ta see ya mate!” Louis says hugging me back. I look over his shoulder and see Zayn peeking back at me. I release Louis and pull Zayn in for a hug. “Hey Bri!” He says with the sweet smile of his.

“Where are the other two?” I ask looking behind Zayn for the other two boys. “Niall wouldn’t shut up about going on the trampoline, so they are outside still.” Zayn says. Harry walks over to us in the hallway. He wraps his arm around my waist, protectively. “Might as well go join the fun.” Harry says to us. Louis leads the way, Zayn following right after him. “fore warning, Niall is very drunk; Liam is getting there also.” Zayn announces. “Well this should be fun.” I say laughing.

I start walking towards the stairs after the two boys. “Louis?” Harry yells down. “Yea Mate?” he echos. “BriBri and I will be out in a second. You guys want a beer when we come out?” Harry says looking at me, as if asking if it’s okay for him to drink tonight. I nod slightly. “Okay! and that would be great.” Louis says.

We hear the door to the outside shut. Harry starts moving quickly to my side, as if the distance was too much for him to take. As soon as he reaches me, he crushes his lips against mine. We slowly take steps back, until i feel my back on the cool wall. Harry leans into me slightly , kissing my neck. “We should probably go outside now Hazza.” I say. “But why? The boys are find without us down there, you don’t need to babysit the five of us while we drink all your beer.” He says in a winy voice. “Cuz I don’t need them being loud and waking the whole neighborhood.” i reply laughing.

I take Harry’s hand and tow him down the stairs. We head into the kitchen to get the boys a beer. I hand Harry two, and carry the other three out to the boys.

Liam sees us walking out first, he waves with a slightly drunk smile. “Briannaaaaa” Niall says reeking of alcohol. “Nialler i don’t even know how you are able to keep your alcohol down while jumping on the trampoline without up chucking.” I say laughing. “I’m Irish remember? We’re hardcore.” Niall says with a wink, then takes another swig of his beer.

Liam hops off the trampoline and comes over to hug me. “You smell like vomit Liam.” i say. The boys start laughing, all but Harry. “Niall didn’t handle not vomiting, Love. Why do you think I’m all wet? We had to use your hose.” Liam says laughing, looking down at his wet clothes. “You threw up on my trampoline?!” I shout at Niall, trying to keep from laughing. “Just a wee bit. Most of it went on Liam.” Niall says looking downward with a smirk.

“Why didn’t you just change your clothes?” I ask Liam confused. “All our clothes are at Louis’s flat right now.” Zayn says for him. “You want a change of clothes? I have some of Harry’s in the flat.” i offer. Liam nods. I begin walking back into the flat. I hear Liam and another set of footsteps behind me, Harry.

I walk into the laundry room, grab a pair of Harry’s Jack Wills sweatpants that he leaves at my flat, and a t-shirt; then throw them to Liam. He catches them and heads into my bathroom. Harry walks over to the washer and takes a seat on it. He looks over at me and smiles cheekily. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him. “You’ll always be my BriBri.” he whispers to me. I lean my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat.

He lays his head on mine and starts singing “You’re Beautiful” by James Blunt. Harry and I stay like that for a long time, Harry singing to me lightly and sweetly. Just the two of us, until Louis walks in asking if we saw Liam. “Bathroom” i say lifting my head up from Harry’s chest. Louis gives us a wink then walks out of the room.

A few minutes later the boys come in to see if Harry is ready to leave. He looks at me then at the boys, “Actually I was thinking about just saying here tonight with Brianna since we will be leaving in a few days again.” I look at him astonished. He told me that he wasn’t leaving for a month just last night on the phone. I see his eyes flicker over to me. He looked away quickly, telling that i was extremely mad.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now