chapter 40

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——-6 Months later——-

It was going to be a very hectic day from the moment we woke up this morning. We had a lot of setting up to do for Darcy’s first birthday before everyone started to arrive.

I flip on the telly to keep Darcy occupied while I began to set things up. Harry had gone out to get the few things I had forgotten to get the other day. Before I knew it my mum and brother were ringing the doorbell. “We came a bit early to help you set up.” my mum says walking in. “Where’s the little one?” my brother Austin asks. “Watching the telly.” I say as he scurries off to find her. Moments later I hear Darcy squeal with delight, she absolutely adored Austin.

“Where’s her clothes for today?” Austin calls from the room. “Laid out in her room. She hasn’t given me the chance to put clean ones on.” I call back. “You want me to dress her?” he asks appearing in the hall with Darcy giggling in his arms. I nod as he heads off towards her room.”Do you need help with anything dear?” my mum asks following me into the kitchen.



By the time Harry gets home everything is set up and ready for the party. Anne and Robin have already showed up and were chatting happily with my mum. Austin was busy keeping Darcy away from the cake. Everything was darn near perfect, except the look playing on Harry’s face.

It was a mix between satisfaction, remorse, guilt, excitement, and like he just had sex. “What’s wrong babe?” I ask curiously. Whatever was playing across his face passes as he glances to me. “She’s getting so big, I want her to grow up but then I don’t. Ya know?” he says watching Darcy and Austin play. “I feel the same.” I say wrapping my arms around his waist. The doorbell rings. Harry slips away from us to go greet the people, who i believe to be the boys.

“Where’s the birthday girl?” Louis and Niall yell as they walk into the room. As soon as Darcy sees the boys she wiggles out of Austin’s grasp and runs to them, babbling away while pointing at the cake. “Is that your cake?” Niall asks. Darcy eyes him as if he was going to steal her cake, she nods to him. “Can I have some?” Niall asks grinning. Her eyebrows pull together as she shakes her head no. “Awh come on Darcy! You gotta share with your uncle Nialler.” He says reaching for her.

She shakes her head no again, running away from the leprechaun. Niall chases after her, making her giggle with laughter. 


“Who wants cake?” Harry asks cutting the first slice. Niall and Darcy freeze, look towards each other then make a beeline to Harry and the cake. It was seriously the cutest thing I have ever witnessed. “Ahh Ahh!” Darcy yells as Harry plops the first piece onto the plate. I grab the birthday girl and put her into the high chair.

“Get the cameras ready.” Harry laughs as he places the cake in front of her. “Do not!” I say to Louis. He was smirking, and i knew he was thinking about pushing the cake into her face.

He didn’t even have to, because moments after I said that Darcy face planted her cheeky smile right into the slice of cake. “She takes after her father.” I say laughing as everyone snapped pictures of the little girl covered in the remains of cake. “Like father like daughter.” Anne says pointing Harry.

He also had cake remains covering his face and a few curls. Louis and Niall has taken it upon them to have Harry face plant into the cake since Darcy already did herself. Good thing we bought an extra cake. Somehow I knew this one was going to get destroyed.


Everyone but the boys had went home. I decided it was time to lay Darcy down for a nap since she was getting quite fussy with Niall which wasn’t normal. It takes longer than normal for her to finally dose off but she does.

I head out to clean up the mess from the party. All the guys but Harry were cleaning. “Where’d Hazz go?” I ask. Zayn points towards the door. I turn on my heels to go find out what he was up to.

“What the!” I scream.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now