chapter 46

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Louis arranges for a car to pick us up from the hotel this morning and take us to the plane so I can fly back to the UK. “Ready to go?” he asks when the car pulls up. I nod grabbing my bags. Louis puts on a pair of dark sunglasses and a flat bill hat as I pull on a beanie and a pair of ray bands. It would be bad if people saw us leaving the hotel together, but we do it anyways. No one even notices us, or if they did no one came up to Louis. I put my bags in the back then slide into the back of the car with Louis.

We move closer to each other, his arm slips around my shoulder pulling me closer. I lean my head against his chest feeling warm and safe in his embrace. His lips kiss my temple lightly over and over again. I wanted to stay like this forever in Louis’s arms. Before we know it we arrive at the airport.


Louis decided that he was going to stay in the UK for a day before having to fly back. Darcy was thrilled, and so was I. We decided to take her to the park today.

She kept babbling at Louis to push her in the toddler swing, telling him higher when he wouldn’t push her high enough to her liking. Soon enough we were chasing her through the whole park. She absolutely loved going down the slides with Louis.

I strap Darcy into her stroller then we head off to find some ice cream. Louis and I keep bumping into each other, then he would look at me and smile. It felt sort of awkward, like a good sort of awkward. The awkwardness of when you find your first love. I have felt nothing like this before, not even with Harry. But it was a good feeling, a feeling that I never want to leave. Louis must have felt it too because he did exactly what I was thinking and hoping for.

His lips touched mine and sent a shiver throughout my whole body. It was like having my first kiss all over again. Sloppy, awkward, but overall the best feeling in the world. I’m pretty sure that pictures of us kissing would be all over the internet in just a few moments, but I could careless.

—-Few Years Later——-

I bring Darcy over to Anne’s house, it was Harry’s week with her while he was still in town. “Anne?” I call out walking into the cozy house. “She’s in the kitchen.” A familiar voice calls from the stairs.

I turn to find Harry looking back at me. He wasn’t the same Harry that I use to spend all my time with in this house. He was different, a bit older looking, maybe even a bit more mature. His curls were tasseled from sleep, just the way I liked them. He lets out a massive yawn.

His eyes flicker from my face to my hand, seeing the ring. For a moment he looked extremely hurt but that moment passed as soon as his eyes meet mine again. “Harry I meant to tell you honestly.” I say suddenly. “Bri it’s okay.” he says with a chuckle and a grin. “I mean if you and Lou are happy I shouldn’t be the one stopping you guys from getting hitched.” he says grinning, but he wasn’t that happy go lucky boy i knew it was bugging him.

“Can you take Darcy for the day? Harry and I need to get caught up.” I ask walking into the a kitchen full of good smelling baked goods. “Of course darling!” she says smiling. I send Harry upstairs to get some real clothes on as I wait patiently for him nibbling on one of Anne’s delicious cookies.

Harry and I have been on good terms for a few years now. After he got out of the hospital a few years back from the anemia and alcohol poisoning, he came back to the UK and apologized for being an arse in the hospital. We hardly talked much for about a year, but Darcy brought us back together. Almost to the point where we were best friends once again instead of lovers. He says he’s okay with me being with Louis, but i can tell it pains him to see us together. 

“Ready?” Harry asks coming downstairs in a pair of nice fitting jeans, a white v-neck t-shirt, and a pair of his old converse. I nod walking over to Darcy who is now five years old and kissing her on the head. “Be good for grams and gramps.” i tell her with a smile. “I will mummy.” she says stuffing another cookie in her mouth. “Slow up!” Harry says firmly to her.

Man, she was like all the boys mixed into one. A food loving kid like Niall, a cheeky little devil like Harry, a sweetheart like Liam, funny and bit mischievous like Louis, and beyond beautiful like Zayn. She was mine and Harry’s whole world, the only thing that brought us back together.

We walk out to Harry’s car. “Where do you want to go?” he asks turning the car on. “How about the field.” i suggest.

If I'm Louder; A Harry Styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now