Chapter 1: Couple's Time

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My brain is still addled when Prince and I arrive in the Hamptons. We're getting settled into our suite when Prince suggests I call my folks and tell them I left town early. Yeah, I probably should be a good daughter and do that. So I call and my Mom answers. I tell her I left  with Prince.

"Where are you?" Mom asks.

Prince is sitting close enough to hear her. He takes the phone from me, smirks devilishly, places his arm around me and says,"Your delightful daughter and I are in Vegas, picking out a chapel"

 He takes the phone from me, smirks devilishly, places his arm around me and says,"Your delightful daughter and I are in Vegas, picking out a chapel"

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I giggle. Who'd marry my silly self?

Mom instantly knows he's joking and laughs,"Oh you! Just don't say such things in front of Mr. Smith. He's not ready for that yet." They chat a bit before he hands the phone back to me and I finish the call.

"Why did you have to tease Mom like that?" I ask.

"It's fun. She knows I have a sense of humor." Prince laughs .

"Look outside, Sugar!" I exclaim as I drag Prince to the window. The beach front view is amazing. There's not too many people outside. "Let's change and take a walk on the beach!"

Prince kisses me."I'd like that" he says

"I think I'll just wear a bathing suit" I snicker

"It'd better not be one of those tiny bikinis you wear in the hot tub!" He exclaims.

I knew he'd say something like that. He doesn't like the idea of me showing a lot of skin in public. When I mentioned this to Grace, she laughed so hard and said"He had Vanity performing in lingerie, yet doesn't want YOU flaunting 'too much' ?"

  When I mentioned this to Grace, she laughed so hard and said"He had Vanity performing in lingerie, yet doesn't want YOU flaunting 'too much' ?"

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Occasionally, I think maybe things might be different for him with me than other women. Then I feel arrogant for even thinking that. The beautiful women around him scare me and I get worried about the fact that he does enjoy flirting. But maybe he flirts as a way to "get back" at me for photographing all those male athletes.

To Prince's relief, I put on a relatively conservative black one piece suit and tie a sarong around my waist. Hand in hand we head outside. A gentle breeze blows. The warm sun shines down from the cloudless sky. Prince and I head to the least occupied part of the beach. He unties my sarong, spreads it out on the ground and lays on it. "Lay with me, Penelope." He requests.

Does he really need to ask twice? We begin kissing each other as though we haven't seen each other in days. Any exposed skin becomes fair game for the caress of the other. After a pleasant afternoon on the beach, we lay on a hammock in the shade. We never have time to be lazy with each other. Wish we did. How nice it would be to tack a couple extra days just for us onto a work trips more often? Prince strokes my cheek,"I just can't believe you were single when we met", he murmurs.

"That's the truth," I reply.

"Must be God wanted us to be together"

Whoa! There's a compliment! "That's a nice thought,."

We kiss each other as the wind gently rocks the hammock. His hand leaves my face and glides over the length of my body and down my thigh, causing me to moan. "Don't do that too loudly, we're in public," Prince laughs.

"What if Carter gets me blacklisted so I can't get work as a photographer?" I worry aloud when we are in our hotel room and I'm undressing to shower.

"You would just have to find another line of work. Perhaps a job at Paisley Park. Overseeing the staff and household, making sure I'm satisfied and my work schedule is up to date, things of that nature." Prince smiles slyly.

" That sounds like something you'd need some sort of managerial experience to do."

"Sweetie, you run a business with a staff. Doesn't that qualify you?"

"Maybe. But you've got more people working for you. I've got a receptionist and a couple photography assistants. Three people-that's it!"

"I'd hire you in a heartbeat." Another sly smile creeps across his full lips.

"I could go back to being a janitor, I suppose." I sigh. After living my photography dreams, cleaning would feel like being trapped.

"Not happening." His tone is dead serious.

Prince suggests we go out to dinner. I'd figured he'd want to order room service like we usually do. We go to a beautiful, very popular restaurant.The who's who of the Hamptons are there. While we wait for our order, we chat and I rest my hand on his thigh. I stare into his eyes for a moment and look away. After the main dish he asks what I'd like for dessert. But we're about to go on tour, I'll be photographed for sure so I'm cutting out dessert. Then there's my upcoming Nikon shoot...

"No, the tour, my photoshoot" I start.

"We'll split something," He replies nicely.

I'm a little surprised he didn't give me Hell about how I worry about my figure. Maybe he thinks I've been through enough lately.

After our delicious piece of cake, we leave. Outside there's a couple photographers, probably from the newspaper. Someone in the restaurant must've alerted them. Prince smiles tenderly at me as he plays along with the photographers for a couple shots. Then he takes my hand and leads me away.

We're dropped off at the hotel and Prince goes to head in. I shake my head. "What?" Prince asks looking very confused in the moonlight. Moonlight, daylight, candlelight, fluorescent light-doesn't matter this man is beautiful in them all. He still makes me feel tingly all over. My fingers trail down his neck then his chest while I have a coy facial expression.

The night is cool and the sky is adorned with stars while the air smells of sand and ocean. Prince knows what to do. He places his arms around my waist and pulls me towards him. I enjoy the aroma of his cologne as we kiss. "When I get you inside, guess what I'm gonna do?" Prince whispers.

"One of your favorite things to do to me." I giggle

In our hotel bed we stroke each other's special places, nibble one another gently and thrust the rest of the night away.He makes me feel as though I'm all that matters to him right now. I almost fall asleep then I become wide awake with a frightening thought that I say out "What about Gloria?"

"Shit! I forgot about her! We'll probably be hearing from her soon. But don't worry about her or Carter. I'll take care of everything. Now go to sleep. Don't let those two ruin our vacation" Prince commands.

What did you think of the job Prince suggested Penelope might do at Paisley Park?

How do you feel about Prince not wanting Penelope to show a lot of skin in public?

Do think Gloria is going to show up in their lives again?

His Royal Badness and the Mistress of Muscle -Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now