Chapter 27: Possible Threat?

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A couple days later, I'm searching through my archives. Finally I find my zoo promotional photos. That zoo has lots of beautiful animals. Prince and I had a date there after I took the pictures.because I liked it so much. A simple date means we can relax and is so much more fun than the red carpet. Carefully, I consider each photo until I find a perfect one featuring a lovely lion family. I turn it into a print and frame it.

"Sugar, what do you think of this for Sammy?" I ask.

He looks at me with a smile,"For Sammy? Aw, that's sweet."

"Hopefully he'll like it for a few years before he's 'too grown up'"

"That would fit in plenty of home decor."

"Do you think it's 'good enough' for Sabrina?"

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"She has high  decor standards."

Prince and I are going to have lunch at Sabrina's this afternoon. And watch a basketball game on television.

Brad enjoys basketball. Who knows maybe someday he and Prince will go to games together?

Sabrina is putting a clean outfit on Sammy. "What did you two do for Valentine's Day? " Brad asks.

"A simple fun day at home." Prince says,"Nothing over the top. You?"

"We went to bowling alley where we were introduced by mutual friends in college. I bought her a gift card for Macy's. She's have liked a larger amount but she's fitting into more of her old clothes so I gave her enough to buy a couple new outfits on sale there"

"Macy's is having pretty good sales lately I picked up a couple sweaters for Prince there." I chime in.

"I'd have objected to her spending money on me, but she's probably going to end up wearing them too, so it's okay." Prince says chuckling.

"You're wearing men's clothes, Penny? That's silly" says Sabrina, "And Prince don't you find Penny in your closet when you want to dress annoying?"

" I think it's cute, my closet is big enough for both of us anyway."

"Wore one of Prince's coats over here and if I was smaller I'd be wearing his pants too." I reply with a snicker.

"I wore one of Penelope's scarves today." Prince admits.

"You still have my black paisley coat in your closet."

"Even if Brad was my size, I wouldn't wear his things. It's weird." Sabrina counters

"Too bad I'm not your size we could save some money there." Brad muses.

Sabrina shakes her head. "We are saving money, dear. I've only had one manicure this month!"

"It's the 16th ." I point out.

Sabrina and Brad love the lion photo. After lunch, we watch the basketball game. I hold Sammy for awhile, he holds onto my bicep. "You wanna feel Aunt Penny's guns, huh?" Brad teases. 

Everyone laughs. Prince occasionally looks at me with this dream-like look on his face and a soft smile. He's hoping that Sammy and I will love each other and bond like Aunt Sophie and me. But Aunt Sophie is different than me

Eventually, Prince takes a turn holding Sammy. Sammy seems to like him. But why not? Prince smells like lavender which supposed to be calming.

"You're a sweet auntie. You two will be bonding before you know it. "Prince says as we head home.

"I don't know how to relate to him." I confess

"That will come. Before long the five of us will attend games together."


"You, me, Brad, Sabrina and Sammy."

"Sammy won't be old enough for a while. Looks like you really believe in our relationship."

"Only something crazy might split us up"


Vickie and I are getting ready for a photo shoot for Evening Wear the next day. We're shooting ads for the spring season and are going to have ads featuring the fabulous costume jewelry she sells. I'd suggested it because proms are in the spring and ads with sparkly jewelry would be a great way to boost revenue "Can we put Amethyst in some of the ads?" I ask.,"Maybe she could be held by a model while wearing a necklace or something."

"We can try that." Vickie says.

So off to Paisley Park we go. Prince is chatting with a stunner of a woman who is wearing brand new head to toe Chanel. I've never seen her before but there's something I don't like about her and it's not that she's thin and attractive. "Penelope, Vickie-this is Marilyn Sinclair . She's managing my opening act. Marilyn, my girlfriend, Penelope Smith and our friend Vickie."

Marilyn gives us this false smile, shakes hands with us and says,"Lovely to meet you."

"Likewise, I'm sure," I reply.

"It's so a thoughtful gesture to have me in your home." Marilyn purrs as she touches Prince's forearm.

"Figured we should meet because we'll all be going on tour soon." Prince says.

I coax Amethyst into her carrier. "Who's going to be my adorable model today? You are!" I tell her.Marilyn tries not to laugh.

On the ride back to my studio, Vickie says"I'll bet she's screwing the band out of more than her fair percentage. Did you see that outfit?"

" And more importantly, did you see how she was slobbering over Prince?" I complain.

"Yes. It was pathetic."

"Hope he doesn't like her more than me."

"DO NOT let your insecurities get the best of you. He's not going to fall for that phoney 'Lovely to meet you' crap. What's with that anyway? We're not a party for the Queen."

This has me laughing, despite my suspicions. The shoot goes just fine, we get fabulous photos and Amethyst does a great job. She is rewarded with cat treats before she's escorted to her carrier . The whole way home I'm worrying about this Marilyn person.

His Royal Badness and the Mistress of Muscle -Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now