Chapter 51: Questionable Behavior

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Prince narrates:

Another day on tour. Penelope, Marilyn and I are chatting in a hotel room. Suddenly the door flings open: it's a member of hotel staff who is with...Gloria's father! "Gloria Ruth Wilson! How dare you embarrass our family chasing after this common criminal!" he hollers.

The color drains from Marilyn's face. "I...I don't know you!" she stammers.

"I'm not stupid, I can recognize my own daughter through hair dye and contact lenses." Mr. Wilson scoffs.

Oh lawd. It IS Gloria! She did in fact change her hair color and style as well as everything you can change without surgery just to follow my ass around! I was so caught up in my music and Penelope that I didn't realize this!

Penelope starts to lunge at her. "You whore! I'm gonna beat your ass so hard, you'll have to crawl out of here!" I grab her before she does something she'll regret. My bodyguard has to help me hold her back because she is PISSED! I'm upset too but mostly I'm embarrassed this even happened. My focus stays on retaining Penelope, Mr. Wilson can yell at his daughter.

"How'd you find me?" asks Gloria.

"Followed your credit card bills." Mr. Wilson replies, "Hired a detective who figured out the spending trail matched Prince's touring. "

Gloria and Mr. Wilson are having this intense argument where he's telling her he's going to write her out of the will. She starts bawling. I have no sympathy for her. "let's not do this here, Daddy. Let's go to my room" Gloria weeps. They leave.

Penelope collapses onto a chair. "Do they have enough money so she won't get arrested for this?" Penelope sighs.

"Afraid so" I admit.

"But what about our safety? The legal system doesn't care?"

"Penny, it's not that. It's that they can get the slickest lawyers and whatnot."

She doesn't say anything.

"This a stressful situation. Go home. Rest up for your assignments." I tell her.

"And miss the rest of the tour?" she asks.

"You need to go home and chill out.""Okay. But I don't want to. I just don't want to fight about it."

Penelope Narrates:

I arrive home the next day and meet up with Grace. "Penelope I've been waiting to tell you something  in person!" she squeals.

"What?" I ask. It must be a big deal.

She presents her left hand. An engagement ring. "Gary and I are getting married!"

I start jumping up and down, I've been wanting this for her ever since I met Gary. "Grace! This is AWESOME! " I'm not even jealous because I'm so happy.

She laughs,"Gary took my hand and said'don't deny it, you haven't met someone who loves you like I do and I haven't met anyone I love as much as you. Let's quit fighting it and marry' I told him I would."

We talk about everything that's been going on (except Gloria). Grace tells me her and Gary are planning a Justice of the Peace ceremony. She could never have the fancy church wedding, she said because it would feel incomplete without her younger sister Gail there. Gail is never mentioned even to me, Grace was never the same after Gail's life ended because of a drunk driver.

I spend as much time as possible between my work assignments relaxing, visiting friends and family, going to drag shows and spending time with Amethyst. Prince and I did meet up in New York City after a month apart for Margaret and Oscar's cocktail wedding reception out there. Lots of literary and arts types are there. I felt great and wore one of my favorite dresses because was the type of event you can wear black to.  Prince couldn't keep his eyes off me and I felt like the best looking woman in the room.

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