Chapter 11: November

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Prince narrates:

November 3, 1986. Penelope rushes into the studio. "Sabrina is in labor! And the baby is early! I don't know what I'm supposed to do!,"she panics. First time auntie.

"Calm down."I say as I hug her,"Just grab a camera and go to the hospital.If you're supposed to do anything , someone will tell you." We kiss each other before she leaves.

I've decided on her birthday gift so I call Brentwood Galleries. "Hello, Brentwood Galleries. How may I help you?" asks a warm familiar voice on the other end. It's Margaret.

"Hey, Screwy Rabbit." I reply,"What are you doing?" Screwy Rabbit has been my nickname for her for almost ten years now. She thinks it's funny, but wouldn't if someone else called her that.

"Benefit being a freelance writer. Random days off. What do you want?"

"I like to order a painting for Penelope's birthday. It was red on a white or grayish background. I don't remember who painted it, but she liked it."

Margaret sees if Oscar knows the one I'm talking about. He does and I get out my credit card.

Several hours later Penelope comes home to the floral arrangement I ordered to congratulate her. Her nephew is named Samuel Robert Emerson. They've already nicknamed him Sammy. He and his mom are doing fine.

November 17,1986. Penelope's birthday. She doesn't like a big deal made about it so I made breakfast for her and am inviting her family for lunch. I have a surprise for her in the dining room. "Open your eyes, Sweetie" I insist.

She shrieks when does. I had her Warhol portrait removed from her office and placed in the dining room. No, I'm still not into it, but is a portrait of Penelope. And I figured putting out in the open would mean a lot to her.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith arrive for lunch.Sophie has also come. Brad and Sabrina show up too, with Sammy in a baby carrier. I get a look at him,he's small, with a head full of dark hair and the same blue-green eyes his Mom and aunt have. "That's Aunt Penny's boyfriend, Mr. Nelson" Sabrina says to him. Sammy looks at me with a hysterical baffled expression.

Penelope leads everyone into the dining room and happily loudly announces"Look at my Warhol! Prince had it hung up in here!"

"Shh...Penny calm down. We can see that. It's very nice. Let's not disturb Sammy." Mrs. Smith says.

"That man's work makes zero sense to me"Mr. Smith whispers to me. That makes laugh a little. He hands me a picture of Mrs. Smith sitting on a motorcycle. "I took that when we were dating" He says.

Suddenly I remember I photo I took of Penelope not long after we met that's very similar. "Look familiar?"I laugh when I come back with it.

Mr. Smith breaks into a huge smile,"I need a copy of this."


"Wow..."Sabrina gasps looking at it,"Penny just how much weight have you lost since then?"

Penelope glares at her. "Twenty pounds"

"That's crazy! I'd gained twenty five when I was full term with Sammy."

Great conversation right before lunch.

Penelope stares daggers at her sister. "Well, kudos to you!" she snaps.

"Ladies, calm down.We're going to have a nice time." says Sophie.

We sit down for lunch. I'd had a fantastic cake baked for the dessert. Penelope places a big forkful in her mouth as Sabrina declines a piece,saying,"No thank you. I'm getting ready for the Mrs. Minnesota pageant"

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