Chapter 25: Be My Valentine

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Prince narrates:

February 1, 1987 :

"Sugar, made any Valentine's Day plans? " asks Penelope as she comes in from her ice skating lesson. Weird question considering she likes the holiday less than any other girl I've been with. She thinks it's a ploy for greeting card companies and florists to make money.

"Nope. Did you have something in mind?" I ask.

She gives me a mischievous smile, she's got something crazy on her mind . "We don't need to do something lavish like last year. How about we give each other silly inexpensive gag gifts, bake brownies for ourselves and the staff and then get in bed to watch television, snuggle and maybe more."

I'm fine with it, except for the cheap gift exchange. That's hard. But I'm not going to back down from a challenge. "Sure, that sounds like fun."

Last year we booked a hotel in Minneapolis, went to an art exhibit and dinner at a nice restaurant (in the VIP section naturally-Penelope calls it the "Very Important Prince" section) Then we made love to some music i'd made just for her. I'd told her all I needed was for her to be my date and she didn't need to give me a gift but she still gave me a gorgeous waist chain.

"How was ice skating?" I ask.

"Fun. It's weird being one of the few adults in a group of teenagers. The girls freak out over everything." She giggles,"I remember my first day. Naturally they recognized me and asked me tons of questions about you. That made the instructor mad. I was cool with it because they weren't asking anything super personal. One girl asked if purple is actually your favorite color."

"My favorite color depends on whatever you're wearing at the moment . Now let's go to the studio so you can listen to what I was working on while you were hanging out with high school girls "

We laugh all the way to the studio.

February 14,1987: 

A whole day with Penelope! This IS a treat! Usually we're busy. It's something we've come to accept about each other. We know that with our "non traditional" jobs our alone time sometimes needs to be scheduled. I'm very quiet while I dress and do my makeup so she can sleep in a bit. She will wake up next to a love note. "Sweetie! Get up! I just started these pancakes!" I call out.

Penelope narrates:

The first thing I see when I roll over is a precocious love note. It makes me happy I'm with such a man. Someone who loves me and has a fun sense of humor. Why is Valentine's Day in February? If you live in Minnesota, that makes putting together  a cute, romantic outfit hard. I've planned an ensemble, but wish I could wear once of my pretty summer dresses instead. I select a black lace trimmed camisole and matching panties. My soft, pale pink sweater has a neckline so low my camisole lace shows. I put on some ivory colored corduroy pants and skip shoes and makeup, but apply a spritz of perfume before walking into the kitchen

"Did you get all made up for little ol' me?"I tease.

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