Chapter 14: Inn Trouble

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Prince narrates:

I remember I have a key to Penelope Smith Studios on my keychain. It lets me in a side entrance. Whew, she didn't have the locks changed. Many of her things (aside from clothes, pistol and luggage) are in her office. I happen to notice her accounting records on a shelf. It's wrong but I look at them. She's able to have a healthy salary and keep the business running, but I thought she'd be doing better than this. Everything will pick up once those Nikon ads are circulating.

When I get home, I call Margaret's hotel. "Penelope isn't here,"I tell her,"Some of her things are missing and she left me note that said she'd be gone for awhile and not to worry. Think she's coming back?"

"Who knows, but you'll have to apologize because I'm guessing she knows about Amber." Margaret says.

"But she's making me worry!"

"Big deal, Casanova! You made your bed-now lie in it!"

It may come down to that. Lord knows I'm too stressed to make music today-for the first time in my life. All I want is my Penelope.

Penelope narrates:

On the way to my destination, I pick up some healthy groceries. Just because Prince doesn't seem to love me anymore is no reason I shouldn't take care of myself. I arrive at a cute little inn just outside Minneapolis. Some time away from Paisley Park is what I need. I couldn't go to anyone for advice, they'd tell me to leave when I'm not sure what I want to do. If I decide to leave I want it to be my decision, one hundred percent. I told my parents where I am, saying I'm working.

My room is lovely. There's a big mirror that I notice myself in after I undress for a bath. Yuck! Of course Prince wants Amber. I still need to lose weight. There's no way I can compete with her. Yeah, I could starve myself, but I'm NOT getting breast implants! If I'm going to spend thousands of dollars on surgery it'll be on lipo for my stomach, something I'd much prefer.

Even I have to admit a tummy tuck would be a bad idea- the scar would look worse than the amount of fat I have. And I already have the appendectomy scar. I was past that "Omigod it looks awful" phase and trying to get used to it being there. But now I hate it all over again- it reminds me of being on tour with someone who has eyes for another.. And my thighs! So huge compared to Amber's! They need lipo too! Jasper was positioning my legs for an exercise and said"No ethical surgeon would lipo these.They're solid."

I sit down on the bed and cry. All the confidence I thought I had is gone. I wish I'd never met Prince and was still living with Grace. At least Grace loves me. It's been too long since I called Grace.

Once I'm cozy in my robe after my bath, I call her.

"Penelope! I was beginning to think you'd joined the Witness Protection Program!" Grace exclaims.

That makes me laugh. "Just checking in with you." I say

"I'm fine. Folks gave me the usual 'when are you gonna settle down' crap at Thanksgiving"

"Sabrina's baby Sammy was the main focus of the meal-even more than the turkey!" I giggle.

"Is he cute?"

"Of course. Sabrina wouldn't let any baby of her's be ugly. And guess what? That bitch is already losing weight and has her eyes on the Mrs. Minnesota pageant!"

"Calm down. You sound crazy. Go have fun."

Yes. I think I will. On the way here I saw an ad for a male strip show. Since I've never been to one, I think I'll check it out. But what if someone recognized me? Assignments have brought me here before. I go to a wig shop and try on a few before seeing a red wig that catches my eye. Wonder if redheads have more fun, like Grace and Virtue like to try to make everyone believe?

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