Chapter 5: Scarred

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Prince holds my hand the whole way to the hospital. I feel bad for him because I've disrupted his party and he probably doesn't know what to do as far as I'm concerned.

The doctor informs me that I am having appendicitis and my appendix will have to be removed- tonight.

Prince kisses me. "I love you." he whispers.

I cry, afraid of being operated on and already thinking of the scar that will be on my still imperfect abs. It seems my abs, despite Jasper's help and a fairly healthy diet, are just where my body likes to store a small amount of fat. Now there will be an ugly scar on them as well.

When I'm alone with the doctor I ask her if she can remove my excess stomach fat along with the appendix. She tells me no.

Prince is sitting by my bedside, smiling at me and holding my hand when I wake up in a private room. He kisses my forehead. His eyes look red, wonder if he's stayed up too late. The doctor informs me that everything went fine, no complications.

"Great" I sigh, still thinking of the scar. So long sexy bikinis in the hot tub. Goodbye fucking with the lights on.

"I wish I didn't have to fly out of here tomorrow night and leave you here. Your stay at the hotel has been extended so you can be there while you recover and see the doctor as needed after your release. When the doctor says it's okay, I'll fly you out to see me again. How does that sound?"

"It'll be lonely without you."

"You'll have Hector. And he'll be by your side daily."

"A bodyguard isn't the same as a boyfriend"

Prince laughs. "I'm sorry I wrecked your party." I apologize.

"That is not your fault things happen." He kisses me again.

Prince stays with me for a few hours before leaving. He comes back with some things from my luggage: a change of clothes and underwear, my toiletry case and a book I was reading. Also, he'd brought a shopping bag with a couple photography magazines and a few bars of my favorite chocolate.

"You know Jasper won't approve of this chocolate" I laugh.

"Yeah, but hospital food isn't five star so I thought you might want a snack." Prince smiles

"Thank you, Sugar." We kiss each other for a very lengthy period of time.

His sad eyes linger on mine, "I have to leave now, Sweetie. First chance I get, I'll call you. This is going to suck without you. " he says before giving me one last kiss. We say "I love you" to each other.

Upon his departure from the room, I cry. I know basically no one here. If I was recovering in Minnesota my family and friends would visit. But I'm stuck in Boston where I don't know anyone.

His Royal Badness and the Mistress of Muscle -Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now