Chapter 20: New Year's!

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Penelope narrates: December 26,1986: I've got six dresses laid out on the bed, trying to make a decision on what to wear for the New Year's party. Normally, I would just be trying to decide between two outfits but I'm meeting Prince's dad in at the party. Since I've never had a boyfriend introduce me to his dad before, it's a very big deal.

Prince walks in"Cleaning your closet? Why not start with that box labeled 'Janitor Clothes' on the top shelf?" He suggests. Before I can say anything, he's grabbed my footstool and gotten the box down. He holds up a pair jeans that I used to wear. "Yeah, you ain't wearing these again." They're too big now and the cut was never quite right, but I bought them because they were on clearance sale and I needed something to clean in.

"Sugar, put those back. I wasn't cleaning. Just trying to choose a dress for the party. I'd hate to choose the wrong one and have your dad thinking I'm a harlot. But if I'm too conservative, he'll think I'm trying too hard. " I say.

"You worry too much. No one thinks you're a harlot. Any of those will be perfect." He kisses me.

"Think your dad will like me?"

"I don't see why not. He seems to approve of everything I tell him about you. He even said you sound like a nice girl."

"Thank goodness! " I relax a little. "Dear put that box back in the closet."

"Fine. Don't know why you want to keep it though"

Without responding I hang three dresses up. Prince kisses me again and heads to the studio. I take a break from choosing a dress and settle down with an etiquette book to review how to be a good hostess.

December 31,1986:"That dress looks hot on you." Prince smiles while I do my makeup

" Prince smiles while I do my makeup

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"Thank you." I reply as I drop my eyeshadow brush.


I nod. "How do you think I felt when after two months of dating your mom put her foot down and insisted I meet your family?" Prince asks.

"You know how my folks were at the time- very protective. So when I started having a very handsome devil around of course they had to meet you sooner rather than later." I reply. "Dad thought you were just after one thing. "

His Royal Badness and the Mistress of Muscle -Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now