Chapter 22: Watchful Eyes

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My home office phone is ringing. It's Sabrina, who never calls me. "Penny, I have a doctor appointment today. Could you please watch Sammy for a couple hours while I go and run an errand or two? Brad is at work and I don't want Sammy exposed to the germs. "

"You know I know nothing about babies!" I'm dismayed she'd ask.

"it's a couple hours! He's your nephew! I've got a schedule written out and I'll even leave out a baby care book for you. You can handle it."

"How about asking Mom?"

"I thought I'd ask you because in a couple months you'll probably be running around the world with Prince again."


"No. Travel is great but being a mom is incredible!"

"I'm not babysitting"

Penny! You're so selfish!" Sabrina screams. 

"Fine. I'll go but I'm bringing my bodyguard."

"Sammy is a baby. He's harmless.But thank you."

"It's Hector's day off." Prince reminds me when I hang up.

"I'd never have agreed if I remembered."

"You'll do fine, Aunt Penny." He kisses my cheek.

I change into jeans and a tee shirt, grab my coat and leave. Sabrina is delighted to see me. She looks stunning. Of course she is a whiz at applying concealer. "Be good for your Auntie!" She tells Sammy. Once she's gone Sammy starts crying. Fuck, what did I get myself into? Try as I might I can't soothe him maybe he misses Sabrina. I'd sing a lullaby but I can't remember any right now. I want to cry too.

Now the stench of a wet diaper fills the air. "So soon?" I ask as he cries some more. I grab another diaper and start to change him. Then he decides he's not done and pisses on my arm! . All I want to do is scream! I place him in his crib and wash my arm. Thankfully my shirt is still clean. Hector has a couple nephews, I'll call him and ask for advice. Hector tells me to stay calm and use common sense.

Sammy starts screaming again when someone rings the doorbell. "Sammy! It's the doorbell!" I cry out in frustration. There's no one I want to see. I'm grouchy as Hell.

Now I got to answer the door. It's Prince! I was wrong! It's always nice to see him. I throw my arms around him. "What is with the greeting?" he asks.

"I'm so happy to see someone who won't piss on me." I sigh,

Prince laughs. "It's not funny!" I hiss.

"Were you able to clean yourself up?" He asks

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