Chapter 21: Incognito?

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                              tongue explores Prince's mouth while my hips grind upon him. Hard .Harder. And even harder. His thrusts match my intensity. Prince props himself up on his forearms and I grab hold of his shoulder blades, screaming as I come. "UGH! Watch the nails!" Prince scolds

"Don't be a wimp.," I giggle.

"I'll show you who's a wimp." he replies with a cocky smile before he flips me over.

"WHOA!" I hang on to his biceps for dear life as he fucks me more than a little. My legs embrace him while we try to outdo the other with our lovemaking.

Sweaty, gasping for breath, we fall back on the bed. "I...have...not...been...fucked ... in...awhile" Prince pants.

Fulfilled, we fall asleep. I must admit, I'm really pleased with myself

Needless to say, we wake up pretty late. I have enough time to eat and get ready for the grand opening of a shop Jasper now owns called Supplement Shoppe. I'm a special guest so is Krista and many of my clients.

"You were a bit of an animal last night." Prince teases.

"Thank you." I reply

We talk about our goals and dreams for the new year. Prince thinks I should finally get rid of my janitor clothes. He also thinks I should start spending time with Sammy. I want to get my biggest job so far this year. Hopefully I'll lose my stomach fat and slim my legs this year, but I keep that goal to myself. Also I want Carter and Gloria out of our lives forever. Prince wants his tour to be perfect. "I know this is going to be a good year for both of us." Prince says with a smile.

"Thanks, Sugar. But I've got to get dressed." I remind him.

Prince narrates:Penelope dresses in nice slacks, sleeveless top and cardigan. "You know what Jasper told me when we first started training together and I was griping about my legs?"

"No,"I say in my most disinterested voice.

"'Girls with sticks don't get dicks.'This was before he was going to church again-he'd never say that now" she laughs.

Not a fan of guys joking like that with Penelope.

Penelope and I kiss goodbye. I change my clothes. Okay, I'm disguising myself because I'm going down to Supplement Shoppe to make sure Jasper is behaving himself. By the time I'm done, I almost don't recognize me.

It's busy at the shop. Jasper walks over to me smiling,"Hello, Sir. Keeping an eye on Penn?" He asks. He looks in her direction. She is greeting people, shaking hands, smiling. Her cardigan is draped over a chair at the book signing table, guess if everyone else is showing off their arms, she's got to. Jasper and Penelope will be signing his self published fitness and cookbooks she photographs. Jasper says"Can you believe that's the same girl who cried the first time I weighed her?"

His Royal Badness and the Mistress of Muscle -Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now