Chapter 15: State of Grace

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Prince Narrates:

"Why do you think all musicians cheat, Grace?" I sigh.

"Because they have the opportunity."Grace replies.

"Do you happen to know where Penelope is?"

"A hotel. I heard someone come in and offer towels when she called me. Anyway, what did you do?"

"Nothing you haven't."

"You certainly have a complete disregard for your girlfriend's best friend. Speaks volumes about your character" She scoffs.

The slut is right. She's probably my best shot at finding Penelope so I need to play nice. "I'm sorry it seems that way. Has she been in any hotels she really liked?" I ask, thinking that she would go back to a favored hotel.

"When it comes to hotels, she like ones with character. Old or unusual ones. All the traveling you two do, that's something you should know.Of course, I don't think you care about actually knowing Penelope..."

My mouth falls open-how could she say that! I scream, "You arrogant bitch!"

"I'm not the one who cheats on people! Someone did that to me when I was very young and vulnerable. Lord knows I enjoy sex, but I don't want to hurt anyone. It's called empathy, Fool."

I take a deep breath. "Listen Grace, you want to join me for lunch? We really need to talk."

"Yes, we do."

Lunch is served. "Why do you think I don't care about knowing Penelope?" I quietly ask.

"Right from the beginning you put this idea into her head that a relationship is all about sex first. Penelope has had really no relationship experience other than you. Basically, she was a child in a woman's body.For crying out loud, whenever you fight she runs away. That's very childlike. I remember the two of you got into a fight and she ran off to my place."

"We fought about her being an acquaintance of Warhol and she just stayed in her office for awhile until she calmed down. She didn't run."

"Really this isn't a healthy relationship for Penelope. Leaving you would be the best thing."

"Are you testing me? Cause you're damn wrong!" I yell.

"When you met and fucked what did you two know about each other?"

"Names and jobs, I think."

"Yeah...can't build a lasting relationship on a first meeting that ends like that. During that rainstorm when you were in that barn you could've had a real conversation, started a friendship instead of fucking her. "

"If I'd done that, I'd have fallen in love faster. She's amazing." I sheepishly admit.

"Frankly, if Penelope stays with you- I'm going to be keeping an eye on her. Being your girlfriend is bad for her body image issues."

"Grace, we've discussed her feelings about being a public figure and that kind of pressure. Why are you so protective of Penelope?"

Grace starts tearing up a little. What did I say? She looks away before telling me about her late sister Gail who was killed by a drunk driver at age sixteen. Penelope's politeness and innocent mannerisms reminded her of Gail. The sisters were very close in age,Grace being two years older. She always looked out for Gail and was never the same after her death. Penelope helps fill a void left by Gail and keeps Grace from doing things like hitting the bottle too hard. And of course, there was that bond created over coping with a sibling's death."I try not to think about Gail because it hurts-I can't believe I told YOU" Grace whimpers.

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