Chapter 3: Social Call

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Prince narrates:

I decided to take Penelope to New York City after we left the Hamptons. She's happy because she likes New York. That changes when I tell her we're going to see Margaret today. I have visited Margaret from time to time meeting for lunch if I'm in New York or she's in Minnesota visiting family.

" I have an uncle who has a high school sweetheart he still remembers fondly. She sent him a "Dear John' letter in World War II though. But he still has a soft spot for her- I get it. Sugar, I know Margaret was important to you at a time in your life when you needed someone. We don't need to meet. You can go visit her, I don't care."

Admittedly this annoys me because there aren't many people I've known as long as Margaret that are special enough to me that I would like them to introduce to Penelope. "Penelope this means something to me. I told her about you and she thinks you sound like a nice person. Please just meet her." I request.

Penelope sighs,"Fine."

"Get dressed Sweetie. Something nice, like what you'd wear to a client meeting."

She puts on one outfit, takes it off and puts on another. "I should just get the  lipo." she mutters to no one.

"No plastic surgery for my girl. You might get an infection and die. Your parents have already lost one child. " I reply.

"It never occurred to me that could happen" she says softly.

"And you don't want to miss out on being an aunt." I remind her.

"I don't think I'm going to see much of Sabrina's baby anyway, you know Sabrina and I tend not to get along well."

"That's got to change." Their fights seem to be rooted in Penelope's jealousy of Sabrina and Sabrina's reaction to it.

Penelope stands sideways in the mirror and tugs at her shirt. She's having one of her "I'm flawed" days. 

Thank Heavens I didn't tell her Margaret was a Playboy Bunny.Margaret would still look good the costume. I don't have to worry about Margaret bringing up her old job because she almost never mentions it, believing it makes people view her as less intelligent.

Margaret held onto that job at least a couple years longer than she needed to, out of fear of not being able to support herself. Penelope stayed a janitor a couple months longer than she should have for the same reason. 

Part of the reason I asked her to move in with me was because I believe in her talent and thought if she didn't have to worry about things like bills and rent she could quit being a janitor focus on being the best photographer. It was a surprise when she kept working her regular job. She eventually came to me telling she thought she could quit and seeking my blessing. I excitedly gave it to her. Come to think of it, my blessing may have been the only thing she's ever asked me for. The realization makes me love her even more.

One thing that was hard for me when Margaret and I were together was that I couldn't help her achieve her dreams. With Penelope I'm in that position where I can provide any help she needs, even if it's just advice on who to hire.

His Royal Badness and the Mistress of Muscle -Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now