Chapter 49: Flaunting It

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Penelope Narrates:

Prince has gone off to rehearsal, but I still am happy, despite waking up in an empty bed. My man loves me enough to have a family with me! I let out a girlish shriek and before I come back to Earth start wondering why he hasn't asked for my hand. Prince takes me on tour, to after parties, shows and red carpet events so it's not as if I'm not good enough to be seen with him. So why would I have to be pregnant for a marriage proposal? That's really confusing. 

I remember Gary telling Grace if they had an accident he'd marry her.  I decide to call Gary. After exchanging pleasantries I explain that I was joking that I was probably expecting and Prince said if I was we'd get married. "Why hasn't he asked me that if that's how he feels?" I gripe.

"Well, if Prince is saying things like that, don't you think he's about ready to? I don't talk marriage unless I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is" Gary replies

"Is something wrong with me?"


"Maybe I should I ask him to marry me." I've slowly starting making the worst that'll happen is you'll be told "no" my motto.

"Don't do that! Just listening to his music, I don't think he's the type to want his girlfriend proposing to him"

"Yeah, he's all about those classic ideals of romance."

"Just relax then. It's gonna happen. " Then he tells me to have a "Virtuous day" something he tells his drag fans. I love that sentiment. Gary is right about Prince, hopefully.

 After hanging up the phone I do some stretches and wonder what to do with myself since I'm too sore for a workout. Outside there's almost no one by the swimming pool. Just Marilyn's security guard, a middle aged couple and ...Marilyn looking like a runway model in a barely there bikini. Once upon a time I'd have been so jealous. But who wants to be built like a noodle, with no muscle? Shit, I'm going to show her the other reason they call me the Mistress of Muscle and that she doesn't intimidate me. I grab my most conservative "hot tub" bikini, slather myself in sunscreen and walk out to the pool.

Marilyn looks at me. "Penelope, I've heard you have a bit of a reputation for being well, frugal. But you can probably afford a suit you don't have to borrow one from Cat or Sheila. "she says,"One the proper size would look so much better. Would hide that scar and your little pooch."

"Scars are nothing" reply as I nonchalantly sit down next to her and read a book. I know I'm a size or two bigger than Sheila and Cat so I don't even acknowledge that. She seemed annoyed by my presence and I'm having fun just being pest by sitting and reading. 

 Eventually, an hour or so has passed and I go back inside. When I pass by the mirror, I look at my stomach-force of habit. Is it really a "pooch"? Prince once said my old body was like the Venus De Milo which is a really polite way of saying someone has a soft body. He wasn't wrong. 

Speak of the devil, he comes in and walks up behind me slaps my rear sharply and says,"Looks great" All the reassurance I need. 

Prince narrates:

"So what are you doing looking so hot? Dress up to surprise me?" I ask. 

"I went out to enjoy the pretty weather. And to annoy Marilyn. She was out there." Penelope replies.

"You...went front of people...looking so fine?" this is startling. Normally I don't want Penelope showing a lot of skin in public but if she's not shy about her scar is still dressed tasteful, I don't mind. 

"it was only four people, so I went out even though showing my midriff isn't my thing." 

"What did Marilyn say?" That bitch can't keep quiet.

"That I should cover my scar and stomach. For crying out loud it's a scar! And it looks way better than it used to." 

"If it makes you feel better, I think you're beautiful."

"I know. You should've seen her face when she saw me. Poor thing thinks only rails look good in bikinis " Penelope laughs.

"Obviously she's never seen beach volleyball on television. There's something you'd probably be good at. " Strong arms, powerful legs: natural advantage in volleyball for sure.

"That does sound like fun! We'll have to set up a net and have people over when the weather warms up!" she smiles at me and starts stretching. "Got to make sure I can do all the dancing at the after party."

Hot girl stretching in her bikini, I enjoy this. 

Penelope makes it through the after party just fine. When we get into bed she says,"Thank you for giving more than I could ask for."

"We've been through this:it's all your doing." I remind her. Really, I'm sick of telling her that.

 "I'm not talking about the weight loss and being able to open my studio, Sugar. What I'm talking about is deeper."


"What you said last night and the fact that you've been with me for more than a minute has given me permission to dream of having a family one day."

"Why do you need a reason to dream about something?"

"It's pretty stupid to dream of being a wife and mother when you can't get a second date." Penelope points out. 

"Actually, I don't think so."

 If I wasn't in some random hotel room in my underwear,I'd get the ring out of my luggage and ask her to marry me. But it needs to be just right, she's waited so long to be loved by a male that she deserves the most romantic proposal. Still I can be sweet so I whisper,"When you're dreaming of being a wife and mother, who's the daddy?" I chuckle a little

.Penelope looks at me, "Who else, Sugar?" she kisses me before laying down. "I always imagine the babies looking like you.You know I had no clue who you were when we met. I didn't care much about the music industry or the film industry or celebrities. I just thought you were this wondrously handsome man I HAD to get a picture of." She giggles the way she does when she's embarrassed. 

Dammit Penny, stop making me want to just impulsively propose to you in my drawers! That's not classy or beautiful-it's just...odd. Not only that our children and grandchildren won't want to hear such a story!

"Darling, you're too kind. I'm tired, so goodnight." I tell her. It has been a long day so Penelope is already asleep. She probably has no idea how badly I want to marry her.

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