Chapter 55: Daughter-In-Law

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Prince Narrates:

Today is the day I go with Penelope to see each of my parents and tell them we're getting married. Dad will probably be fine. He and Penelope get along okay and he responds well to my bringing her up in conversation. I think he secretly likes that she has her own money. But I don't mind, when my children grow up I'll want their spouses to have earning potential. My kids won't marry bums.

The one I'm worried about is Mom. Penelope and Mom got off on the wrong foot. It was Mom's fault- she had no business just walking into Penelope studio without an appointment! Serves her right to meet a waiting room full of cross dressers! It's still kinda funny. When I mention Penelope to her, she sighs.I suspect she thinks Penelope is odd and has no taste. It isn't Penelope who is strange, it's her friends. Mom acts as though she is unsure about what to say to her when we visit. Unfortunately Penelope assumes she's done something wrong and that Mom hates her.

Mom still wishes I'd married Margaret. There's something that sounds great but wouldn't have worked. Margaret doesn't want a family, probably because her chauvinist pig father tried to teach her to be a successful man's housewife and raise babies. Of course, I would love a family. Minnesota is where my heart is, Margaret has adopted New York City. Though, she is looking for a little house to buy here to live in part of the year with her husband Oscar so she can spend more time with relatives.

"Do you like this top?" Penelope asks, twirling around.

"'s great...except for those moist spots you're getting under your arms." I point out.

"They show through? Drat!" she screams as she looks in the mirror.

"Baby, it's okay," I remove her top. "You're scared, huh?"

"Your mom clearly doesn't think I'm good enough for you." Penelope starts crying. "I don't know what more she could want from me! Just call her on the phone, tell her you are going to marry that weird photographer!"

"Deep breath, your nerves are talking." I hold her until she stops crying."Mom just got the wrong idea about you at first. She doesn't hate you. She's just still working on recovering from that first impression she got based on how your drag friends behaved."

"Gary and Spark Elle mind their manners" Penelope replies curtly.

"You're getting those big assignments. Now you'll be able to pick and choose projects, instead of taking nearly everything."

"Did it occur to you that I like photographing the people I do? Ordinary people, athletes, drag, boudoir, advertising...I love it all. Each group inspires me."

"I'm sure they do. Now go fix yourself up."

We decide to tell Mom first. "Mom Penelope and I are getting married!" I announce proudly.

She doesn't say anything for a moment, probably thinking about what to say. "That's nice. Any thoughts on when?" she asks.

"No. But I'm not interested in a long engagement." Penelope replies with a nervous quickness. Mom briefly gives me a disapproving look. Hope Penelope missed it.

"No need to rush into things"

Who's rushing? It's been over two years!

Mom asks a few questions about how Penelope's studio is doing. Penelope mentions photographing Joan Jett before realizing that Mom doesn't know who Joan is. I can tell Penelope wants to run out the door.

"Joan Jett is pretty popular." I say," And you've probably seen Spin where the other magazines are."

"That's probably one of those things I don't notice unless you're on the cover." Mom replies.

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