Chapter 43: Best Foot Forward

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Prince narrates:

I start fixing breakfast for Penelope. Last night I felt a little bad about laughing but she walked exactly like the newborn giraffe I saw taking it's first steps on television. Penelope had to realize she didn't have a runway walk. She seemed take it in stride and gave me a good time last night.

I knock on the bedroom door"Miss Smith," I say in my best butler-esqe voice, "Breakfast will be ready soon."

"Let me put away these damn shoes!" She yells.

"Did you sleep well, Sweetie?"

"Great." Her tone says otherwise. She's mad but I was just trying to have fun last night. Penelope opens the bedroom door, fully dressed. "You should've given me the shoes a couple days ago so I could've practiced."

"My Dear, you DON"T schedule sex." I laugh.

"With three children, my parents must've."

"No they did not."

"How DARE you make assumptions about my parents' sex life!" Penelope is pissed and dismayed.

Better cover my ass. "Penelope. I mean is you can't be all 'The kids will be out of the house by 4:00 pm so we should be fucking by 5:00pm at the latest'. What your folks scheduled was alone time. When we lived with Shannon, Margaret wasn't comfortable having sex when Shannon was home. So we would pay attention to Shannon's social life to know when we'd have the apartment to ourselves, sometimes sex would happen, sometimes it wouldn't. Do you understand? "

"Yes." Penelope replies meekly as starts eating. There's a long pause "Are you going to want me to wear those shoes again?" she asks very quietly.

"Not if you don't enjoy it."

"You laughed at me-a lot" Penelope snaps curtly.

"I'm sorry" I put my arm around her.

"Why would you do that? After I put those heels on to please you!"

"It was wrong. Why does it bother you so much?"

"Just used to being the butt of jokes, you know that."

"If I got pissed every time someone made a joke at my expense, I'd be upset all the time. You have two real choices:ignore the jokes or laugh at them. Hell last night you could've even laughed at me! Something like,'Sugar, if you don't quit laughing you'll never get laid' You could've poked fun at yourself too." I smile at her,"Life's too short to take yourself so seriously."

"Dad's been telling me forever I need to lighten up. By the way, after work I'm going to Grace's"

"Don't tell her I fucked up."


Penelope narrates:

Grace smiles at me,"What brings you here?"

I pull the shoes out of my tote bag. "Teach me how to walk in these" I request.

She whistles,"Going to have one last nice fuck at home before the tour starts?"

"Hopefully. I want to turn Prince on so bad, he hurts."

"Now we're talking!"

Grace gets out a pair of six inch heels herself. "Haven't done this in awhile. My social life with guys lately has mainly consisted of meeting Gary for lunch." she sheepishly admits.

"No sex?" I ask, really puzzled.

"Only by myself." She giggles. Maybe Grace will get her head on straight and realize Gary is the one. "What are we doing in these? Dancing?" She asks.

"I want to start with walking" I laugh.

"Wear a really short robe with a little slip and just walk into the studio, acting as if everything is normal."


Grace teaches me the trick to walking in the heels and my teetering is dramatically cut down! I give her a big hug before I leave. "remember give Gary a second chance." I advise.

"Nah, he's my friend." she protests ,"I wish you'd met him before I did. He needs someone like you. And you'd have been perfect for him. But life doesn't work that way: you're in love with someone who's work environment isn't good for you, I can't find anyone worth dating anymore and Gary is lonely."

"Grace-I'm working on myself. Some days are better than others but it'll be less of a problem. You and Gary can solve your problems by dating again." I say softly. Gary is crying out for her: not just in his drag routine but anytime I say her name, his face lights up.

"Penelope...I've warned you about playing matchmaker. Now go home and show Prince a thing or two."

Prince narrates:

While at my piano,alone with Amethyst curled up at my feet, I hear the clicking of heels. It's Penelope! She's looks foxy all dressed up in a short robe and matching slip with...those six inch heels! My staring must be obvious because she giggles and says, "I like the view from up here"

Penelope wanders around, adjusting throw pillows and tidying up a bit. Those legs, damn! Why did I not pursue muscular women before? Young and dumb, I guess. Now I'm very aroused. Despite wobbling a bit, she's doing well walking, until she makes a turn, loses her balance and lands on her hands and knees. Knowing it'll be awkward to get up, I rush to her side to help. "thank you." she says .

We walk to the bedroom, she grabs onto me. Gallantly, I slip my arm around her waist. Penelope drops her robe and arranges herself seductively. She knows how to position her legs to look their best -it's a nice job perk."As far as I'm concerned, these shoes are better for posing than walking. " Penelope muses as she raises her slip a bit to expose more leg.

"Raise that thing a whole lot higher,"I suggest with a whisper.

"How indecent of you, Sugar" she laughs.

"You haven't seen anything yet, Baby." Slowly, I remove my clothes. 

Penelope pulls her slip up over her head and throws it on top of her robe. I settle in beside her and kiss her lips. Penelope grabs my shoulders and pulls me towards her. Penelope runs a high heel long the length of my thigh while nibbling my lower lip. Without warning she pokes her heel into my buttocks! "Penny! You're bad!" I gasp.

"'ve never called me 'Penny' before." She says as she nuzzles her cheek against mine.

"It slipped out. I don't call you that because you're worth so much more than that. Priceless." I reply.

"Oh, you! I don't mind."

Her birth name is my preference because to me, it sounds like a glamorous singer and actress during the glory days of Hollywood. Pretty much everyone calls her by her nickname and she seemed to like it when I did so maybe I'll do it more.

Once I've got my condom on, I whisper things to make her hot, make her want me so much. She makes me groan by stroking my jawline. Her pulse quickens as I touch her neck. To make her laugh, I tickle her hard abs.Penelope's body relaxes after she laughs. Now is the time to grind upon her.She is very receptive, clinging to me as though her life depends on it. "Prince, I need you" Penelope gasps.

Our bodies perform the most enticing, erotic duet. Naturally, my lady needs to go to sleep right afterward. We both know I tire her out.

As I feel my eyes start to close, I look at the full length mirror next to the bathroom. I placed it there over a year ago to give myself a final look on my way out. Penelope passes it on her way to her closet after showering. Since she doesn't take the time to deal with a robe post shower, she starts her day seeing her whole body naked, I now realize. If I was a woman with a body like her's I wouldn't mind the sight, but her perspective is off. First thing when I wake up I'm moving that mirror.

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