Chapter 1

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     The worst week of your life started with saying your goodbyes to everyone you knew and loved. You were going to be headed to MIT soon, since you had gotten a scholarship. Little did you know that this dreadful week would unexpectedly go.... well.

     After you said goodbye to your parents, you got in your car and started driving. You knew it was going to be a long car ride, so you started playing the Miranda soundtrack. Your mood suddenly lightened when you remembered you were going to see Miranda live in just a few months! You kept driving as you were screaming lyrics to the soundtrack.

{Time skip brought to you by Your Obedient Servant}

     You finally got to the prestigious college after hours of driving. You realize you had forgotten that your current boyfriend, Thomas Jefferson, was going to the same school. Yes, your boyfriend was the Thomas Jefferson, hated by all, loved by you. Of course, you didn't know if you loved him or not, all you knew was that he made you feel wanted in this unforgiving world, and that was enough for you.

     Semi-excited, you hopped out of the car with your bag and started walking towards the check-in and key pickup. As you're walking to the check-in, you aren't really paying attention to your surroundings. Before you know it, you're on top of someone. You realize it's a guy and you're basically sitting on his lap. You start blushing from embarrassment.

  "WHAT THE FU-" the boy starts yelling, only to stop when he sees you. You look at him and you felt something that you've only felt before with your boyfriend. 'Damn.... this kid is hot' you think as you quickly look at his facial features. He has hazel/green eyes, long, curly brown hair tied into a ponytail, and freckles EVERYWHERE. You were a sucker for freckles. You remember you're still on top of him and you quickly jump off, blushing even more. "Oh my gosh I'm really sorry about that-" you start. He quickly cuts you off. "It's no big deal, plus you're pretty cute, so I can forgive you even easier," he says, winking with a smirk on his face. You blush even harder.

     "Oh! My apologies, I haven't even introduced myself yet. I'm John Laurens, pleasure to meet you!" he says. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N), seriously I'm sorry about this entire situation," you say. "No worries! Anyway I think we should go get our keys?" He says. "Oh, yeah" you say, suddenly remembering where you are. The dorms are mixed gender, this kind of worries you. 'What if I'm stuck with a guy that isn't Thomas and he freaks out?' You wonder to yourself. You push the thought aside and keep walking with John.

     John gets his keys first. He tells you he got room 14b. You walk up to the desk and get your keys. "What room are you in?" He asks. You look at the number on your keys and hesitate when you see the number. "I got 14b too...." you say. "Well I guess you're my roommate then! C'mon, let's go to our room." You start walking when you suddenly hear a voice you'd recognize anywhere. Thomas. "Heeeyyyyy (Y/N), what's up babe?" He glances to your right. "Who's this (Y/N)?!" He exclaims with a hint of jealousy and anger in his voice. You get scared, knowing what he's like when he's angry. "Thomas, baby, no need to freak out, this is John. He's my friend and roommate" you say calmly. "John Laurens, pleasure to meet you!" He says to Thomas. "You better not try anything with my girlfriend, or you will pay dearly for it" he says through clenched teeth. "I'll see you later, ok (Y/N)?" He says, still a bit of anger in his voice. "O-okay" you stammer, starting to get scared.

    "Soooo..... what was that all about?" John asks you. "Well, that's Thomas Jefferson..... my boyfriend.

A/N Sorry if there's mistakes about college and stuff, I haven't actually gone to college yet so idk much about it. If there's something wrong tell me and I'll change it. Also, don't worry about Thomas, he'll be gone soon ;)

I never want to say goodbye; a John Laurens x Reader Where stories live. Discover now