Chapter 47

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We walk home with a newfound happiness

Guys this story is almost over, once it's done I will start updating Jamilton. I'll also put a picture of my new hair at the bottom since I love being narcissistic. ALSO IM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING
{1 month later (I think you ALL know what this means}

(Y/N)'s POV

I'm 9 months pregnant. The doctor says the the twins are due any day now. John is stressing out. I don't know why. It's probably nothing though, he freaks out a lot. Especially one time when this high schooler named Rich threatened to burn our house down. I don't know why John flipped, the kid was obviously drunk or high.

I'm sitting on the couch with John watching the Hamilton bootleg. Mainly because I begged him to watch it. I stand up to get food when I feel something drip down my leg. I look down and see a puddle of liquid. Then the pain started.

"John, babe, we need to go to the hospital" I say. He stands up immediately and we start heading towards the car. We get in and he starts driving without even asking why. God I love him.

John's POV

OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD IM NOT PREPARED FOR THIS. I don't say anything, I just drive as fast as I can to the hospital. I grab (Y/N)'s hand and give her a soft smile. She squeezes my hand so hard I feel like she could break it. "Honey, I know you're in pain, but I'd appreciate it if you don't break my hand" I say with a chuckle. "Oh! Sorry" she says quickly. "It's okay" I say and keep driving.

{timeskip brought to you by my terrible writing}

We get to the hospital and walk in. I tell the nurse what's going on. She grabs a wheelchair for (Y/N) and takes he to a room, me following closely behind. We get to a room with a bunch of tools. (Y/N) changes into a gown and lays on the gurney.

(Y/N)'s POV

OH MY GOD THIS HURTS LIKE A BIIITTTTCCCCHHHH. I lay on the gurney and prepare myself for more contractions. John comes next to me and holds my hand, rubbing small circles into the back of it. "Hey John" I say. "Mhm?" He responds. "I love you, but never get me pregnant again" I say giggling. His face goes red and he starts laughing along. "I love you too" he says. The doctors come in and the walk through hell begins.

{another time skip bc I'm not going into detail about this}

11 hours later. I'm laying down with my husband by my side holding my two daughters. The doctors come in and take my children for a short while. Not happy about that but they have to. We fill out the information for Nicki & Naomi. The doctors say I can leave in 48 hours.

12 hours later. John is still here. "You can go home baby" I say. "And leave you? No way" he says. "Fine, stay if you want, but at least get some sleep" I say. "Ok, but only because you said so" he complains like a child, earning a giggle from me. He kisses me softly on the lips and sits down in the chair.

2 days later. I got to leave yesterday with Nicki and Naomi. John stayed the entire time. GET YOURSELF A HUSBAND LIKE THIS BITCHES. Not gonna lie, taking care of babies sucks. I wouldn't trade them for the world though. I wake up in the middle of the night to John not next to me. I hear soft singing from the babies' room.

"If we lay a strong enough foundation. We'll bleed and fight for you, we'll make it right for you and you'll blow us all away. Someday, someday" John sings softly to the girls. They fall fast asleep and I walk in. John turns around. "Oh, hi" he says nervously. "Bonsoir" I say. John smiles and kisses me gently. We head back to bed to get some rest.

I wouldn't trade this moment for the world.

A/N: if you guys remember the deal I made about the amount of time I get for a chapter you know what to do.

This chapter is terrible

This chapter is terrible

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That's me

That's the guy I like

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That's the guy I like

Love y'all


I never want to say goodbye; a John Laurens x Reader Where stories live. Discover now